Anti-Semitic Incidents In Britain Have Soared By 50 Per Cent In Past Year

nnaThe following is via the Independent UK:

The number of anti-semitic incidents in the UK has risen sharply in the last year, a report has found.

Between January and June of this year, 473 anti-semitic incidents took place, including two which were classified as involving “extreme violence”. This represents an increase of 53 per cent from the same period in 2014.

The report was released by Jewish community group Community Security Trust (CST).

Jonathan Sacerdoti, Director of Communications for Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, told The Independent: “Anti-semitism runs counter to British values. We must all work to combat the rise in anti-semitic incidents so that Jewish people continue to feel safe.

“Those who experience this racism must not suffer in silence, and should report what happens to them. They need to know they are not alone, and demand protection under the law.”

Home Secretary Theresa May said: “I know that many Jewish people in this country are concerned about safety in their community, and we are listening.”

(Source: Independent UK)

One Response

  1. Your picture suggests that increase in British anti-semitism is due to “Aryan” (white, native British or at least European) neo-nazis, whereas in fact it almost totally involves Muslims who are descended from recent immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. The mistaken picture would be analagous to illustrating an article about the Ku Klux Klan or the American Nazi Party with a picture of Al Sharpton or Lous Farrakhan — they all don’t like us, but that’s where the similaries end.

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