When the son of an elected official arrived in the Chagall State Hall of the Knesset on Wednesday morning, 13 Menachem Av, he was shocked to find a very long Palestinian viper snake in the middle of the hall. The appropriate persons were notified.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
5 Responses
Palestinian rep who came to make peace with Israel
Rav Elyashev zt’l paskened that the Knesset is a beis minus. So it is most appropriate.
This is a joke, right?
Why would anyone be shocked by a snake in the Kenesset? Presumably it belongs to the party one disagrees with.
zionism is poison to the Jewish nation.
they’re all snakes there, so now there’s 121… big deal…
maybe with the norwegian law, we can add more snakes to the party!
they probably talk too much lashon hora!