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Rav Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron: ‘In Our Present State, If the Beis Hamikdash were Built, It Wouldn’t Last’

bakshiHaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron in a brief Tisha B’Av message explains we are in the midst of days of aveilus over the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. He adds that in Shmona Esrei every day we recite “bonei Yerushalayim” in the present tense and we learn from the Gemara Yerushalmi that in each generation the Beis Hamikdash is not built, it is as if it has been destroyed in that generation.

The rav stresses the aveilus is not a thing of the past but present, and the First Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of the violation of the three big aveiros while the second was due to sinas chinam. Rav Bakshi-Doron reminds us this is because the Chachamim want us to understand that we are not mourning an event of the past, but present, today.

The rav speaks of the need to focus on ending sinas chinam today, which he laments is eating the nation alive. The rav cites the machlokes between friends, between spouse and between families and the need to bring this to an end.

“We daven to bring the Beis Hamikdash but under present circumstances it doesn’t have a chance of surviving. It would be destroyed”.

The rav concluded;

“יהי רצון שהקב”ה יבטל מעלינו כל גזירות קשות ורעות”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Scary words!
    But what does the Aibershter want from us: he’s given us such hard נסיונות and מכשולים! We’re such a good people and we only want to do good! How much more can we endure?
    Please haShem, גאלנו גאולה שלמה במהרה

  2. The rav cites the machlokes between friends, between spouse and between families and the need to bring this to an end.

    hiney anochi sholeiach lachem es eliyahu hanavi lifnei ba yom Hashem hagadol v’hanorah VHEISHIV LEIV AVOS AL BANIM V’LEIV BONIM AL AVOSAM

    granted it’s something that can happen if we try to rectify it as much as we could but don’t exxpect tzidkus

  3. When Hashem decides the time the time has come for the Geulah, he will create the situation that those negative attitudes will change.

    We’ve seen glimpses of it already, but we need to work that we don’t need those types of situations for the changes to take place.

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