KOF-K Thanks Public; King Tut Issue Wrapped Up – YWN Reader Saves Public From Eating ‘Treif’

PicMonkey CollageThe Following email was sent to YWN by the KOF-K 

Thanks to the call of an alert member of the public, who had seen last week’s article on Yeshiva World, the King Tut Halal fast-food truck, sporting an unauthorized KOF-K symbol was located on Tuesday, July 14 in Manhattan at Madison Avenue and 41st Street.  Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum, KOF-K Administrative Director, called on Rabbi Mordechai Ross, a mashgiach of KOF-K who works in the area, to speak to the truck driver immediately.

Rabbi Ross explained to the operator of the fast-food truck that using the KOF-K registered trademark without permission was illegal and misleading to the public.  He told him that the KOF-K had lodged complaints with the State Kosher Law Enforcement Division, and the New York City Department of Health and Department of Consumer Affairs.

PicMonkey Collage

Rabbi Ross said the operator was co-operative and agreed to allow Rabbi Ross to spray-paint over the KOF-K symbols, found on 3 sides of the truck.  The operator even offered to spray a second coat himself when the first coat didn’t cover it properly!

Many thanks to Rabbi Ross and to all the members of the community who assisted in bringing this matter to a quick and effective conclusion. The response we got from our article on Yeshiva World was amazing – we immediately got calls that people had seen the truck in the past, and would watch out for it.  The word spread throughout the community. Within a day and a half, we got the call with the exact location of the truck that allowed us to resolve the issue.  It was wonderful to feel the concern and support of everyone.    Mi k’amcha Yisrael!

We are asking everybody to be watchful and proactive. Anytime you see something related to kashrus that just doesn’t seem to make sense, let the kashrus agency know. By alerting us to your concerns we can work together on addressing the issues and minimize the risk of the tzibbur inadvertently being over on the mitzvah of kashrus. Your vigilance plays an essential role in preventing violations whether they are matters of deliberate fraud or unintentional errors.

The KOF-K welcomes any concerns or questions.  Please feel free to call Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum at 201-491-4610.



4 Responses

  1. “Rabbi Ross said the operator was co-operative”

    Huh?! Well of course. He got caught.
    How did the Chov-K symbol get on his cart to begin with? So that’s it? He allowed you to spray paint the symbol and everything is ok now? No charges? Gave him a blessing. Just another day in the City? Something stinks over here and I sense a cover-up.

  2. Let’s give this guy the benefit of the doubt and ssay that the whole thing was due to ignoreance.
    if intentional fraud was in volved, would he have sainted pareve on the truck when it was pplainly serving meat?
    The situation is now resolved with no bad feelings on either side and that is a good thing

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