Support a Citadel of Torah and Mussar With Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim’s Annual Raffle



Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, also known as Rabbinical Seminary of America, is well recognized for the emphasis it places on ameilus baTorah, havanas haTorah, limud hamussar, andchachmas hamussar. This focus produces a “Chofetz Chaim talmid”, well equipped to face the many challenges life presents.


Talmidim leave the Yeshiva with a clear grasp of the illustrious mesorah of the Yeshiva, inspired to transmit that mesorah to the next generation. The typical Yeshiva day is intense and demanding, with nearly ten hours spent daily learning iyun and bekiyus, as well as a daily mussar seder and halacha seder. The Yeshiva takes great pride in the style of its iyun shiurim. The shiur is not a lecture; the atmosphere is lively, energetic, and interactive. It is a joint venture where talmidim actively participate with their Rebbi in the development of the sugya and work together to grasp its depth and profundity. The Yeshiva places great emphasis on the mussar component of its curriculum, recognizing that studying the ethical teachings of mussar is a vital component necessary for the growth of a talmid into a true eved Hashem. The weekly shmuessin given by the Roshei Yeshiva serve a dual purpose. A shmuess develops the talmid’s ability to uncover the mussar lessons hidden beneath the surface of a maamar chazal, and it enables a talmid to gain a greater understanding of himself and his personal avodas Hashem.

When ashmuess concludes, the Rosh Yeshiva is often approached by many talmidim eager to probe and fully understand the depth of the maamar chazal. The Kollel yungerleit meet weekly with the Roshei Yeshiva to review and analyze the shmuess and they subsequently lead groups where they review the shmuess with younger talmidim and focus on absorbing and applying the message. Talmidim generally enter our Yeshiva at the age of 21 and often remain until past the age of 30, after having previously spent three years of full time learning post high school in one of the Yeshiva’s Bais Medrash affiliates. With the guidance and direction of rebbeim and chaveirim, many life altering decisions in areas such as dating, marriage, children and career choices are made over these formative years. Each talmid is encouraged to develop his individual strengths and to approach each of life’s challenges from the perspective of daas Torah. The ruach of the Yeshiva stresses growth as a ben Torah and places a great focus on the responsibility each individual has to sincerely seek out and fulfill the ratzon Hashem.


Over his years in Yeshiva, a talmid grows in lomdus and mussar and develops a deeper and clearer understanding of hashkafos HaTorah. The “Chofetz Chaim talmid” emerges from his years of intense Torah study as a balanced, well rounded talmid chochom andbaal mussar, ready to share his passion and knowledge with others and prepared to bemekadeish Shem Shomayim in his every action.


I invite you to help support this great citadel of Torah and Mussar through our annual raffle campaign by clicking on

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