To Understand our Loss — and Anticipate Redemption: Books For The Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av


Year after year, generation after generation, exile after exile, the Jewish People have remained faithful to the memory of the Beis HaMikdash and the mourning that marks the two destructions. ArtScroll offers a large selection of books that help us today, more than 1900 years later, understand this greatest of losses — and anticipate the rebuilding that we long for. Here’s a sampling:

The Laws of Daily Living: The Three Weeks, Tishah B’Av, and Other Fasts: Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen examines the laws of the fast days (except Yom Kippur), the restrictions of the Three Weeks and Nine Days, and the mourning of Tishah B’Av. The book includes a discussion of the role of the Beis HaMikdash in our lives and the events that led to its destruction, based on the teachings of the author’s grandfather, Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt’l.

The ArtScroll Eichah, translated and with commentary by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz: One of ArtScroll’s first classics, this work made Megillas Eichah accessible to hundreds of thousands of readers. The flowing translation and illuminating commentary capture the beauty and tragedy of the Megillah. Includes an Overview by Rabbi Nosson Scherman.

The ArtScroll Kinnos: This translation and commentary helps us understand the complex poetry of Kinnos, and includes the full prayer service for Tishah B’Av.

The Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Kinnos/Tishah B’Av Siddur: With its phrase-by-phrase translation directly beneath the original Hebrew, the reader can recite the Kinnos in Hebrew while easily following the English translation. Also includes the complete interlinear translation of the prayer service for Tishah B’Av, interlinear Megillas Eichah, Torah readings of the day, and laws of the fast. Available in both nusach Ashkenaz and Sefard.

The Kleinman Edition Midrash Rabbah on Megillas Eichah: Share the Sages’ profound insights on the Churban itself and on the events that led to the catastrophe. This magnificent work, available in both full and compact sizes, includes a chart showing the parallels between selected Kinnos and the Midrash itself, which greatly enhances the recital of Kinnos on Tishah B’Av.

Tishah B’Av: Text, Readings, Insights by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer and Rabbi Shimon Finkelman: An inspiring collection to enrich the day, this classic work includes historical background, insights into the Churban, and selected laws and customs.

Touched by Their Tears: A Kinnos Companion: Bestselling author Rabbi Yechiel Spero explains selected Kinnos and illustrates their message with powerful true stories that bring them to life.

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