Nachal Chareidi will Hold Limud in Memory of Seret-Vishnitz Rebbe

seretThe IDF Rabbi of the Nachal Chareidi regiment, Rabbi Shaul Avdiel, informed the Charedi soldiers in the past days, the eve of Shloshim of Seret-Vishnitz Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Hager ZT”L, which will be on Wednesday, 20 Menachem Av, the regiment will hold a “an all Torah day” as an aliyah for the rebbe’s neshama. The theme of the day will be around “Torah, holiness and war”.

The day of limud will be a part of a spiritual preparation of the chareidi combatants before summer training is to take place a month from now in the Tzeilim Base. During the training, the soldiers will exercise urban and outdoor warfare. The limud day is part of a new procedure led by regiment commander, Lt.-Col. Ori Levi, in which every month a Torah study day is exercised in the regiment; at the heart of the day a “Shiur K’loli” is conducted. It is passed by the Regiment Rabbi, one of the four rabbis of the Nachal Chareidi Foundation or a guest speaker, side by side with the regular Torah classes which take place at the regiment on a daily basis.

A source in the Nachal Chareidi Foundation says that “the rebbe ZT”L was one of Haifa’s liberators on the one hand, and the spiritual leader of a holy chassidic congregation in the same city on the other hand. The role Holy Rebbe of Seret-Vishnitz played inspires our soldiers as he combined in his unique character both a combatant and a mitzvah and Torah abiding Jew, without one overriding the other”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. There is rumor that they have asked the Holy Bostoner Rebbe Shlita to deliver the shiur kloli at this event. He is well known to be very close to the IDF and encourages his many chassidim to play their part in sharing the burden.

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