Chief Rabbinate Beis Din Employee in Custody on Suspicion of Manipulating Divorce Files

divorceTwo Jerusalem residents are in custody, including one employee of the city’s Chief Rabbinate beis din. The beis din employee is suspected of taking bribes to manipulate divorce cases.

An undercover investigation has been ongoing during recent months, during which evidence was gathered to support the allegations against the two.

The beis din employee is a man in his 30s and he accepted bribes to manipulate cases involving divorce, custody matters, visitation arrangements, beis din orders preventing one from leaving the country, and other legal rulings. The second suspect is alleged to have acted as the ‘go-between’, speaking with the parties involved and the beis din employee.

The suspects have been arraigned in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court. The beis din employee was remanded until 3 Menachem Av.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Funny thing, the Rabbanut is now anything but Zionist. It has been controlled by Shas for a long time. Just try getting another Chief Rabbi from Mercaz Harav. Just won’t happen. The Dati community has just never really figured out how to vote in blocks and delivery thousands of directed votes to a single party — which has diminished their power and led to a situation where they have relinquished control over the main intended body of religious Zionism, namely the Rabbanut.

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