Toldos Aaron Asifa to Discuss Bituach Leumi Payments

tarAn urgent Asifa has been called in the Toldos Aaron community of Meah Shearim in light of Bituach Leumi demands for payment. Askanim in the community refer to the demands from the state agency as “the harsh gezeira”, compelling families in the chassidus to pay Bituach Leumi as other Israeli regularly do.

Toldos Aaron does not pay Bituach Leumi, but one must understand followers also do not request benefits, which includes payment upon child birth, unemployment and other states benefits. This is part of the chassidus’ policy of boycotting the Zionist state.

From the Toldos Aaron perspective, the letters sent to families in Meah Shearim represents a state effort to compel them to begin taking Bituach Leumi benefits. Hence the urgent kenos.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Missing info and details!!

    Where do the women give birth? What medical clinics do they attend for their babies? Do they bury their dead in the ground of Eretz Yisroel?

    In America, our property tax is high and does not provide us with schooling for our children, yet covers fire, police, ambulance etc.

    They have the right to boycott the government EXCEPT extremely difficult to live in a country without using water, sewage, toilets, sidewalks, traffic signals, car service, gasoline, medical programs, etc.

  2. You don’t know the story, but are so quick to tell people “pay the piper.” Why is the government seeking a change in the status quo? What is the cost/benefit that worked until now? So simple to bash heilige yidden from behind your computer! destro613 wants to destroy 613! Why does Who is “they?” They is us. Help them live.

  3. Maybe if they start taking the social benefits the charedi representatives in the Knesset fight so hard for, they will stop coming to America with their hands outstretched. Helping poor people is one thing, helping people who make themselves poor by declining the benefits they are entitled to is another

  4. Attention all of you that still believe in Zionism. The people of toldos ahron are the sweetest yidden, they will doing anything to help a fellow Jew. The level of kedusha is so high who would dear speak against them.

    Just get to know them and you’ll be astound on there refinement.

    Then take a look at the secular governance t who are mechalel Shem shomayim over and over again!!

    Think again!!

  5. With all due respect to these people and their rebbe, who I’m sure are doing everything l’shem shamayim (I’m not being sarcastic, I truly believe this) – this isn’t how the world works.

    Even if someone in Brooklyn disagrees with the US government, they can’t refuse to social security – even if they don’t take the benefit.

  6. a)Whether or not they use the roads, buses, or sewage is irrelevant as to Bituach Leumi. They do not use any of the services covered by Bituach Leumi and they do not pay it this status quo has existed since the founding of the State.
    b) When is the last time anyone here saw a Toldos Ahron Chossid coming to collect money, just curious since they have a very distinctive dress and you know them when you see them.
    c) If a sect on principle refuses to use government benefits in the USA they can work out accommodations, i.e the Amish.

  7. Just to note for those who know history, Aguda & the Eidah Hachareidus, worked jointly to certain point, their leaders were brothers, Rav Amram Blau, and Rav Moshe Blau.
    More intersesting to note is that before the war of ’48 when there was a British referendum on the future of Yerushalayim, Rav Moshe Feinstein Zt”l told Rav E.M. Shach ZT”L, who was living in Yerushalayim at that time, to become a member of the Eidah Hachareidus, and vote that the future status of Yerushalayim to be an International City.

  8. Rav Y.Y. Ruderman ZT”L, Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel, Baltimore, said ” That if the Satmer Rov ZT”L had not fought the zionists, we (Agudists) would have had to do his work”

    One can review the writings of Rav Elchonon Wasserman ZT”L, Talmud Vossik of The Chofetz Chaim ZT”L, and can see his pure views of the evil of the reform and zionist movements, which destroyed large segments of Klall Yisroel, and are the cause of destruction on Klall Yisroel R”L. (See “Omer ani maseh liMelech, – Kovetz mamorim, Kovetz he’oros)

  9. not paying taxes is an old thing. that’s why there is a minimum of services in Meah Shearim. We can’t compare the situation to the USA. Like it or not. they feel that the existence of the State of Israel is against the shvua שלא תמרדו באומות. they want no part in it. You don’t understand it, but it’s been this way since the beginning of the State.

  10. What can I say about the “Reb Ahrelach” Chasidim, And all the groups following their Mesorah with misiras nefesh, Biderech Yisroel Saba.
    Personally, I can attest the Toldos Aharon Rebbe Shlit”a as an ish hachessed. As a relitive of yesomim, when Chamisha Osser Bishvat comes around all yisomim in Yerushalayim recieve special packages, these children are Yeshivishe Litvaks, when a mentioned this to a Rov, he told me, “You should know that even mizrachi children recieve these packages from the Rebbe! He does not discriminate!”

    So how dare anyone make derogretory comments against them.

  11. Did anyone think chas vsholem. What it would be like under an Arabic govmnt. These people only want to live in Israel

  12. Mr. Ben Levi, just to clarify something ירושלמי people only wear their לבוש in ירושלים or wherever they live (בית שמש). If they come to חו״ל they wear the regular Chassidish לבוש

  13. A. Few questions & comments:

    1. What does Bituach Leumi payments cover?
    2. Where do Toldos Aharon women give birth & infants get cared for?
    3. It cost $$$ for countries to operate & function all infrastructure.
    4. Read Reb Moshe’s tshuvas about Eretz Yisroel (state of Israel) after 1948.
    5. What services & payments does Amishe make to US GOVERNMENT (income tax – yes) & tell us what accommodation they receive?

  14. The government wants to draw them into the welfare state so that eventually the state can control them. If you look at zionist hareidim, their addiction to government handouts is such that they often put “demands” for more handouts ahead of strictly halachic issues (such as refusing to serve in the army).

  15. #15 Toldos Ahron can then follow the entitlement program of the US government which supports, sustains and provides the existence of most of their American brothers.

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