House GOP Leaders Call on Obama to Fire OPM Director Over Massive Hack

opmThe top three Republican leaders in the House are calling on President Barack Obama to fire the director of the Office of Personnel Management after the latest disclosures of the security breach of government computer systems.

House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Whip Steve Scalise say director Katherine Archuleta should go — and they want the president to “take a strong stand against incompetence.”

Boehner says he has no confidence in the current OPM leadership. He says too much trust has been lost, with the administration saying hackers stole Social Security numbers from more than 21 million people and snatched other information.

Scalise says the president’s response to the security breach has been “nothing short of breathtaking in its inadequacy.”

McCarthy calls the latest news “absolutely inexplicable.”


2 Responses

  1. Of course Obama will NEVER fire any Democrat. They ALWAYS circle the wagons for one of their own! Its only the L O S E R Republicans, like Mittens Romney & Jeb Bush who would immediately fire any of their own, if only an “accusation” by the Democrat controlled media!

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