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Chareidi Minor Threatens Arab Minors with a Knife in Betar Illit

5Police received a complained of an incident in which a young chareidi male threatened to stab an Arab. The Jewish youth was taken into custody. During questioning he admitted to threatening another Arab a week earlier.

Police learned of the incident which occurred on Panim M’erim Street in Betar Illit in which a knife was used to threaten a 15-year-old Arab teen. The victim told police a chareidi resident about 15 threatened him with a knife.

Police who responded to the call tracked down the Jewish youth and took him into detention. The suspect attends a yeshiva in the city. When he was checked police found a knife in his possession. The suspect admitted to his actions according to police, adding he is not sure why he did it.

A second Arab male came to police later, a bit older than the first, stating the youth in custody threatened him as well. The suspect remains in custody.

Police add that in the near future a permanent police presence will be established in Betar Illit near the fire station.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo: Police Spokesman)

One Response

  1. When I was a kid living in Israel my contemporary youths wanted to kill me. The middle east is kind of a warzone, you know.

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