Rabbi Hanoch Teller Releases the One-Book MUST Read on the Holocaust

Hanoch Teller's Heroic Children[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

Although there is no dearth of Holocaust literature, there are virtually no books that portray the plight of children, particularly told in their own voices. Through the riveting, and historically accurate tales of the nine children portrayed in Heroic Children, the reader learns precisely what occurred during the Holocaust. The book’s protagonists represent every stripe of Jewish victim, stemming from every corner of Europe and from every type of background: economically, socially and religiously. What they all shared in common was an iron-like will to live ‑ but not at all costs. Their ability to hold on to dignity, principles and universal values makes for riveting accounts of the zenith of human achievement.

Heroic Children is an uplifting and motivational study of hope. The reader will never face struggles as monumental as what the nine youngsters profiled endured, yet he or she will likely be overwhelmed by serious challenges, distressing setbacks, or periods of profound despair. The experiences of these children will serve as inspiration for if they, of such tender years, were able to heal and flourish in the wake of unimaginable adversity, then surely the reader  will be able to confront head-on whatever obstacles may appear …and summon the strength to triumph.

Rabbi Hanoch Teller, who has been guiding in Yad Vashem for three decades, and teaching about the Holocaust for nearly as long, sought a way to teach the history of the Holocaust in a compelling and riveting way, interesting even those not interested. Heroic Children is that breakthrough. A work of prodigious scholarship and spellbinding narrative, it is a book like non other written on the subject and may be acquired via www.hanochteller.com.


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