It’s Official: Rabbi Berland Has Fled Holland

berlAmid growing speculation that Rabbi Eliezer Berland is not in a hospital in Holland as was believed to be the case last week, it is now reported the rav has indeed fled Holland.

On Sunday it was reported that the rav’s chassidim were instructed to leave the country and return to Israel, and it now appears the rav has fled to an undisclosed location.

The official announcement was made by the Dutch prosecutor on Monday 19 Tammuz. The media was informed by the prosecution that “We are currently not in touch with the rabbi and we are checking as to his whereabouts. The rabbi must contact police by tomorrow, Tuesday. By then we will know if he has fled or not”.

The rabbi on Monday was to report to local police on Monday but did not show. Last week Holland’s Supreme Court ruled to reject the rabbi’s appeal, ordering his extradition to Israel. It is believed that the rabbi fled to a country that does not have an extradition treaty with Israel.

Rabbi Berland has been avoiding arrest for over two years, having traveled to a number of countries including Morocco and Zimbabwe.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Your are contradicting yourselves. On Tuesday the Tzaddik is supposed to report to police. Today is Monday. Nothing is official yet. We in the village in Holland still do not know if the Rav is in Holland or somewhere else, the prosecutor said we will know on Tuesday so how has it suddenly become official to you?!

    In any case:

    When will they learn that no one can touch the Tzaddik?!
    He will return to Israel whenever he wishes to and no one can force him. He is on a Global mission to return lost Jews to their father in Heaven, no one can stop him from doing this no matter how hard they try. They tried stopping him in Israel to no success and they will not succeed in chu”l either. When will they learn? Look what is happening to the Israeli police, the same people who started the war with him are falling one by one. Perverted people who are covering up their own daily perversion by creating false claims on the Tzaddik. Ochlei Chazir, Bo’alei Nidah, Michalelei shabbat have no power whatsoever over the Tzaddik.
    He already made it clear that he will not stop until he brings the Moshiach. Don’t waste your time and energy looking for him and chasing. You are making fools of yourselves. If these accusations were on a regular person who is actually guilty of it, he would not sit one day in jail, and you would not search worldwide for him. The policemen who actually do these acts that you are falsely accusing him of are let off the hook the next day. So why are you spending millions of shekels in your war against the Tzaddik? Because it is a war against religion and you are making it clearer by the day.

    יִתְיַצְּבוּ מַלְכֵי אֶרֶץ וְרוֹזְנִים נוֹסְדוּ יָחַד עַל ה’ וְעַל מְשִׁיחוֹ

    Just like King David and his small group that stuck with him were chased by his fellow Jews and later became king of Israel, so will he with Rav Berland. The day will come…

    כִּי יוֹם נָקָם בְּלִבִּי וּשְׁנַת גְּאוּלַי בָּאָה.

    It will come soon. Don’t worry he’ll be back in Israel, but none of those who chased him will be there. Those who believed the stories that the media propagates will be sorry and repent.

    יִשְׂמַח יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּעֹשָׂיו בְּנֵי צִיּוֹן יָגִילוּ בְמַלְכָּם

  2. “The rabbi must contact police by tomorrow, Tuesday. By then we will know if he has fled or not”
    Is the Dutch justice system that dimwitted that they would think that a wanted individual’s failure to contact police is evidence of his no longer being in the country?

  3. There is no border control within/between most EEC counties, so he probably slipped into another EEC country, and from there onto an aeroplane out of the EEC.

  4. #1: Your Emunah in Bias Moshiach is praiseworthy, but you are rambling on, like most followers of the Rav, without your words making much sense. If he is on that global mission you are talking about, and no-one can harm him, why is he running off everytime just as the authorities are closing in on him? And most of all, if he has such great powers of creating a kiddush HaShem, why not use it on his followers to make them into decent human beings who behave in public as they should, rather than the wild, uneducated, begging, Chilul HaShem-making Chevra they have shown to be. I strongly believe that if he would have controlled them better, the Dutch authorities would most likely have been much more positive towards him staying there, rather than extraditing him. But, of course according to you, that would have defeated his Tikkun Olam program.

  5. As a breslever, and I emphasize this again, as a breslever, the only Tsadik is Rebbe Nachman; all others are his talmidim. There is no place written, directly from rabeinou’s words, that there is a Tsadik other than him. So stop the hype around Rav Berland and let the man be. As a breslever, don’t try and give an explanation to what happens to those who go against Rav Berland. As a breslever, the best thing you could do is pray for all those who oppose him and pray that Hashem, by the merit of the Tsadik, Rebbe Nachman, atones judgment on Rav Berland and all of Am Israel for that matter.

  6. why is he so scared to come to israel?
    if the stories are false then he should be proud to come out victorious…
    but in my opinion, from all the goings on, zimbabwe, south africe, morocco, holland, etc it seems he has something to hide

  7. To whom it may concern,

    Many people feel that the Israeli police do not act in a fair manner when they take in someone for questioning. The trial process for the defendant is not 100% fair.
    Recently, a high figure in the Israeli Police committed suicide in order to avoid the whole process .

  8. I don’t know him, but, in history there have been many instances that Bona Fide צדיקים were accused of similar false allegation. It’s part of our Long and difficult גלות!

  9. Re comment no. 3: I am not particularly knowledgeable about the Dutch justice system, but there is nothing dimwitted about a system in which a person is ordered to contact legal authorities (police, a magistrate, etc.) no later than a particular deadline, and if he/she fails to do so, he/she is legally presumed to have fled the authorities, if not the geographic jurisdiction. The order gives the targeted person time to respond. Nothing dimwitted about that. As for you, I am not so sure.

  10. It seems that the Dutch did not want him anymore, but they did not really want to get involved, so they gave him ample warning that they are after him, so that he can flee on his own.

  11. I don’t understand the heter of speaking so much loshon hara, over one rav and one chasidus… Remember people you are also yiddin… Take it easy and proceed with great caution!

  12. Why do you call him a Rav? It seems by the charges (innocent men don’t flee all over the world) he doesn’t deserve the title.

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