Rabbi Gavriel Sassoon, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, and Rabbi Noach Orlowek Give Insights into Shivah Assar B’Tammuz

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Torah Connections, a Brooklyn-based organization dedicated to providing chizuk to the Jewish community, will once again offer the public an opportunity to gain unique insights into Shivah Assar B’Tammuz with a kinnus at Merkaz Hasimcha, located at 1898 Bay Avenue, between East 18th Street and Avenue M, in Flatbush, TODAY, Sunday, July 5, beginning with Minchah at 6:15 p.m.

The theme of the event is “When Tragedy Strikes.”

The first speaker will be the renowned mohel, lecturer and author of the Maggid series, Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn.

The second speaker of the evening will be Rabbi Gavriel Sassoon, whose hesped following the tragic passing of seven of his children in a Shabbos fire at his Brooklyn home inspired Klal Yisroel.

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Rabbi Noach Orlowek, mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Ore in Yerushalayim, will be the third speaker.

Admission is $10 per person, with a maximum of $25 per family. The program will conclude with Maariv.

The program will be broadcast live here on TheYeshivaWorld.com

Torah Connections will also be organizing a day-long kinnus program on Tisha B’Av, Sunday, July 26, at Yeshiva of Brooklyn, located at the corner of Ocean Parkway and Avenue L. For more details, call 718.998.5822.

Sponsorship opportunities for this program and for the Tisha B’av program are available. Contact Dr. Aaron Mandel at Torah Connections at 718.998.5822.

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