Bush Says He Takes Trump’s Immigration Remarks Personally

trumpRepublican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he is personally offended by rival Donald Trump’s recent remarks about Mexico and immigrants and calls the remarks far outside the mainstream of Republican thought.

After a Fourth of July parade in Merrimack, New Hampshire, Bush called Trump’s remarks “extraordinarily ugly.”

Bush’s wife was born in Mexico, and when he was asked if he took Trump’s remarks personally, he responded, “Yeah, of course – absolutely.”

When Trump announced his presidential bid last month, he criticized Mexico and immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally. He said they bring drugs and crime with them and are “rapists.”

In spite of earlier criticism from Bush and other Republicans and companies moving to cut business ties to Trump, the real estate mogul has defended his remarks.


11 Responses

  1. Trump did not say anything negative about Mexican immigrants in general. He said that a high number of them are no representative of the general Mexican people but these exceptions are criminals and many also carry incurable diseases. This is in no way a condemnation of Mexicans in general.

    The Leftists media wants to twist this into an anti Mexican rant by Trump but it’s a big lie.

    Rinos like Jeb, Rubio and Romney are jumping on Trump with false allegations to weaken his compelling Conservative principles which are really right for America.

  2. I agree with #2. it’s just an excuse to attack an opponent. All he said was that immigration has to be controlled to prevent criminals from immigrating to the US. It’s like the 47% remark that Romney made that did him in, and boy, do we wish he had won. A candidate has to be careful with every word he says and he will still be attacked.

  3. As a progressive I am more likely to vote for sanders than trump but it is as clear as day that the media is running trump through the dirt because they are scared of him. He is not being given a fair shake. His remarks were far from anti Mexican.

  4. tzoorba: rubio a rino?? now, that would be news ! you would have a better argument if you did not twist the truth

  5. Everyone is jealous of trump so they are out to get him , but trump said the truth we need a wall , nothing to do against Mexicans in general any bad person can come through that border they are not just Mexican

  6. Hey, it’s his first ammendment right to say what he wants. Your right is to vote for the alternative. While it may have been a dumb thing to say, anyone who cuts a business agreement is in violation of our Constitution.

  7. Almost by definition Reagan was not a “RINO”. The nativists (called the “know nothings” in the 19th century, when they wanted to keep us out) are a minor constituency among Republicans, compared to the Sam’s Club and Tea Party types (who support Reagan’s version of a “shining city on the hill”) and are focused on economics, the Religious right (which generally likes the Hispanic immigrants since they are family oriented social conservatives), and the Country Club/Wall Street Repubicans who like immigration since it is good for business. Trump’s racism is an insult if one considers that many Republican leaders are descended from recent immigrants (or in the case of the Bush, married to one).

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