Islamic Prayer in Tel Aviv Airport Shul

wtiA Muslim man at Ben-Gurion International Airport apparently realized it was time for him to pray, deciding to do so in the shul in the airport. He entered the shul and began his prayers including prostrating himself on the floor as required by those practicing the Muslim faith. According to the Ladaat report, the incident occurred on Wednesday, 14 Tammuz as the man’s actions were captured on video.

Muslims are in the midst of the month of Ramadan and one of their daily prayer services is held prior to breaking the fast each day.

The prayers seem to have passed without incident.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. I know that I can’t duck into a mosque in the Riyadh or Medina airport for a quick Mincha and expect to emerge alive.

  2. Good for him. A shul is a house of prayer and this man wanted to pray. Now when will Muslims allow Jews to pray on the holiest site to Jews?

  3. We are happy that in many world airports a neutral room is set aside for Jewish prayer, aside of the Christian one with their symbols. Isn’t there a room set aside for Muslim prayer at Ben Gurion Airport aside of the Shul?

  4. The Muslims have been kind enough to loan me their prayer room in a number of airports when I’ve needed to Daven after an overnight flight before heading to a meeting.

    I am pleased we have been able to return the favor.

  5. @besalel when mashiach comes lol. We are NOT allowed to be there. For that site alone, think of them as guarding the site from tamei Jews

  6. Re comment no. 2: If you have actually been there and done that, you are clearly wrong. And if you have not, you don’t know what you are talking about.

  7. Voseppes: I wouldn’t bank on that(there’s a Chabad house next door)

    Mods: I’m only joking! Please take it for what it is.

  8. aaa1216: Which authorities? The normative psak is that a Jew is permitted to enter a mosque (but not a church).

  9. Non jews are allowed to bring a Korbon(of course they can’t do the services only a Cohen can) in the Bais Hamikdash so it would seem they can pray in a shul since a shul is considered like a Bais Hamikdash.

  10. @RichardM: “Ki beisi beis tefilah lechol ho’amim” True, but they were only allowed to SEND karbonos, never to be makriv them.

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