Deputy Defense Minister Ben-Dahan: Throw Out Families of Terrorists

hamasnDeputy Defense Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Eli Ben-Dahan feels the families of terrorists should be thrown out of the country. Speaking with Yaakov Ilan of Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Wednesday, 14 Tammuz, the deputy minister stated “I have a proposal that is simple. Take the family and put it on a plane with a one-way ticket. The day the family of a terrorist is expelled in response to an act of terror it will create an effective deterrence. We will only have to do this once. We must arm with the strongest deterrence possible. The judicial system must change its agenda towards preventing tens and hundreds of additional victims”.

Ben-Dahan added that during the month of Ramadan many families are watching television and Arabic TV incites viewers to become shahids and encourages terror.

When asked by Ilan to respond to claims from Yariv Oppenheimer of Peace Now that the “peace process has collapsed”, Ben-Dahan stated “I am tired of this mantra”, adding we are now marking a decade from the expulsion of Gush Katif in which thousands of Jews were expelled from their homes and all Israel receives in return is rocket fire from Gaza.

Ben-Dahan added “the left-wing is bizarre and doesn’t see the reality with clear eyes, imagining what has not and will not occur. They have to face the reality that we do not live in Switzerland but in the Middle East. The fantasies of peace with good people paying salaries to terrorists”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. We’re ever you will send them they will be back for terrier its in there blood . The solution don’t send them but wipe out the entire family . Maybe if they know there loved ones will be wiped and killed they will think twice..

  2. Germany’s “Sippenhaft” (in English: “kin liability”) is really not a good policy model for Israel. Really, the zionists should avoid going to Yad vashem when looking for inspiration.

  3. Its about time someone in that government is showing some backbone. Lets see if they actually do this.

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