Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag Resigns from Chief Rabbi Position in Amsterdam

ralbThe following is via OnlySimchas.com:

In the letter posted below, Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag announces his resignation as Chief Rabbi of the Dutch Community citing an inability to maintain all his roles in the United States, Canada, and Amsterdam simultaneously.

In 2012 there was talk that he might be removed from his position in Amsterdam because of comments he made regarding Toeiva. He had already been suspended from his role in the Orthodox community in Amsterdam for co-signing a declaration which described those living a Toeiva lifestyle as a “curable condition.”


9 Responses

  1. This is indeed an article suitable for “only Simchos”. Rav Ralbag has been an antagonist from day 1. Already in his first tenure as Dayan, in the days that the Gaon and Tzaddik Harav Meir Just zatsal was the Av Beis Din, did he cause great harm to the Yiddishkeit of the Kehilla, especially in the field of the Eiruv. As soon as he was brought back as Chief Rabbi did he reinstate the Eiruv, although Mumchim in the field “passelt” it. His personal vendetta with the Shochet caused him to oversee his “resignation”. Perhaps his only merit was the fact that his Rav Hamachshir Harav Wolf is indeed a highly reliable Rav and it is only due to him that we can eat the meat in Amsterdam

  2. If a Rav can machshir an eruv, why are some people upset? Then again, I’m from Eretz Yisrael where any eruv exists in every town.
    Isn’t the peh she’hitir greater than the peh she’isseir?

  3. “I’m from Eretz Yisrael where any eruv exists in every town.”

    A lot of cities in Europe have had eruvim in the past, including Warsaw, Krakow, and Amsterdam. One was under construction in Paris at the time the Nazis arrived.

  4. Before anyone jumps and says, “What is the problem with an eiruv in Amsterdam, other cities in Europe have one?!?”
    Well the reason it is so complicated is because the city has a lot of canals. Now if a mumcha says it’s no good, who you gonna trust…..?!?

  5. As a chareidi resident of Amsterdam, i can attest to one thing, Hagaon HaRav Aryeh Ralbag was מרים קרן התורה in our city. Firstly the eiruv has the haskomoos in their sefarim of Rav Fisher from the eidah chareidas, Rav Wosner and others, so it sounds foolish to say it was paseled by the experts, if the greatest poskim agreed to it.

  6. Like the article is nonsense, so are the comments. Like the current so called Rabbanim in Amsterdam are continuously misleading the crowd, so is this article. The truth is known but will not be published – for the meantime.

  7. #8 – Will you also reveal how Ralbag (minus the Rabbi) testified against Mendle Epstein in the “cattle proddign” and kidnapping case?

    This is after ralbag was teh Bais Din for Epstein for decades and made millions.

    Also, make sure to let everyone know that he agreed to testify against Epstein because of a deal he made with the Feds to avoid his OWN jail time for cheating the IRS out of taxes.


    Let eveyone know.

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