Report: Chareidim Have Less Concerns Regarding the Economic Future

charAccording to data released by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), chareidim are less concerned than other Israelis regarding their economic future.

The CBS released the data pertaining to 2013 on Sunday, 11 Tammuz, stating two of every three Israelis are concerned because they are unable to save money for the future. 79% of Arabs are concerned because of this as compared to 62% of Jews. Among chareidim that figure is 51%. The CBS report adds that 41% of Israelis did without heat during the winter and without cooling during summer months and 35% of Israelis did not get dental care due to economic hardship.

The study reveals that one in six Israelis missed meals because of a lack of funds, amounting to 822,000 people. 11% did without at least one hot meal once every two days due to a lack of funds and 9% reportedly had their telephone, electric or water service cut off.

66% report they require prescription medications regularly and 11% had to do without some of these medication due to economic hardships. 69% of Israelis did not take a vacation because they could not afford one and 47% canceled recreational activities for the same reason. The same number abandoned plans to purchase new clothing or shoes.

38% of respondents reported an improvement in their economic situation in the past five years, while 27% said the opposite was true. 59% of Israelis are concerned they will not be able to assist their children and 55% are worried they will not be able to live honorably in their senior years due to a lack of funds. 52% fear being economically dependent on others.

13% of business owners fear losing their business and 40% fear there is little to no chance of finding an alternative means of income that will be on the level they have today.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. It is rational that hareidim will worry less since they are part of a viable community, unlike the hiloni world which is a classic “every man for himself”.

    2. If getting enough food was a problem one would see a massive number of thin Israelis – it seems that while not as bad as the US, obesity is a bigger problem.

    3. Seventy years, almost no Israelis had artificial cooling in the summer, and most had at most a space heater.

  2. Please clarify!
    Are Bnai B’chaak and Bchiskers also Chareidim or is it only Yerushalmi clad Meah Sh’arim Yidden? How bout Yeshivaas Meeeer talmidim?

  3. bec. we the frum realize, parnassa comes from Above not from Netanyahu or Sharon. in addition we have plenty of successful chareidi businessmen that didnt go to Harvard like the Schreiber mishpacha of B and H, Ruby Schron, Rechnitz etc. its all min hashamayim.

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