Car Ban Takes Effect In NYC’s Central Park

cpaA ban on cars in Central Park north of 72nd Street is now in effect.

That means the drives in most of the park will be mainly for recreational use.

The four transverse roads – which link the east and west sides of Manhattan -are below park level. They’ll remain open to cars.

Mayor Bill de Blasio had announced the vehicle ban earlier in June. It also applies to parts of Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

Cars were previously banned in parts of Central Park during the last two summers.


2 Responses

  1. Bad move. Especially at night. If a would be mugger knew that cars headlights could appear at any given moment, he would think twice about committing a crime. Keeping the park open all hours would also give relief to the much exhausted avenues in Manhattan. Unfortunately, our Mayor and elected officials don’t know this, because whenever they are driven, it’s always with a police escort.

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