Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Nationwide Summer Lecture Series Begins

irgun.jpgIt’s summertime, and there are certain things we know we can count on. The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and Irgun Shiurai Torah will be presenting us once again with its annual Summertime Shiurim Series.

The lectures and shiurim will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in three different locations all summer long. In Williamsburg, a series of evening shiurim will be held at the Pupa Bais Medrash on 656 Bedford Avenue at 9:30 PM. In Boro Park, shiurim will be held at the Stoliner Bais Medrash on 16th Avenue and 46th Street twice a day. The daytime shiur will be held at 1:00 PM followed by mincha at 2:00 PM. The evening shiur will be held at 9:30 PM following maariv which is at 9:15.

The Flatbush community will be treated once again to Irgun Shiurai Torah’s wildly popular lectures in English on a variety of riveting topics in halacha, hashkafa, chinuch and sholom bayis. Irgun askonim have scanned the globe, bringing the world’s most powerful and dynamic speakers to this forum. The first week beginning June 29th will feature, on Monday night Rabbi Noach Orlowek speaking about The Building Blocks of Healthy Relationships. On Tuesday evening, Rabbi Mordechai Becher will speak on Pleasure, Unity & Bagels. On Wednesday Rabbi Shmuel Dishon, will discuss Looking at the Positive: Every Yid is Great. The shiurim are being held at the Bostoner Bais Medrash on the corner of Avenue J and East 29th Street at 9:00 PM. There will be an additional two floors for the women’s section.

Irgun Shiurai Torah, in conjunction with TCN, will broadcast the Flatbush shiurim live to communities nationwide. According to an Irgun spokesman, “The shiurim in Flatbush have become so popular that people all over the country called our offices begging us to bring the lectures to them. Boruch Hashem, modern technology allows us to do so. Now you can hear our shiurim in Baltimore, Chicago, and many other locations. Thousands are joining us every evening.”

Want to join in the inspiration? You can become an Irgun Shiurai Torah askan by bringing these lectures to your own bungalow colony or community. All you need is a location and a little bit of determination. We’ll do the rest. Contact Irgun Shiurai Torah for details on how to enhance your summer with our riveting live shiurim.

Admission is free for all these Irgun lectures and shiurim. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Imagine what a tremendous zechus it would be to dedicate a shiur in memory of or as a zechus for someone. Those who are interested can contact the Irgun Shiurai Torah office at [email protected] For more information on Irgun Shiurai Torah and its many wonderful programs, call 718-851-8651/718-853-3950.

Don’t sit on the sidelines. Join the movement that everyone is talking about. Make Irgun Shiurai Torah a part of your life!

(By M. Lowinger – YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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