Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz In Monsey Sunday To Present Rabbi Lipschutz With Award

Monsey is abuzz with the announcement that the world renowned philanthropist Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz of Los Angeles will be arriving in town on Sunday to present his dear friend Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz with an award at the Ohr V’dass dinner. Rabbi and Mrs Lipschutz are Guests of Honor at this year’s dinner to be held Sunday at 5 PM in Valley Terrace in Monsey.

Ohr V’daas is the premier institution in the Monsey area educating special needs children. The school is celebrating its 25th anniversary of being at the forefront of helping children and teens succeed in life despite their challenges.

The way we treat other people is an indication of who we are. The way we treat people from whom we have no benefit is an even greater indication of who we are. To the degree that we care about others and are helpful, kind, generous and gracious, we are good people. And who doesn’t want to be considered a good person?

The children of Ohr V’Daas depend on good people to have joy in this world. Born without the same capabilities as others, they need the extra patience, love and care that a place like Ohr V’Daas provides.

Through this institution, the special children enrolled there are taught how to behave, how to interact with others, and how to maximize their potential. Ohr V’Daas provides extensive program for the academics, life skills, behavior modification, pre-vocational/vocational, and more.

Professional and dedicated staff includes physical, occupational and speech therapists, as well as teachers for the visual and hearing impaired.

Ohr V’Daas has developed a remarkable ABA program, which attracts children from the Tri-State area, traveling daily from Far Rockaway, Washington Heights, Passaic, Teaneck and Monroe, due to the professional care, dedicated work and impressive results.

The school’s leadership is comprised of Monsey’s leading askonim, including Naftoli Silberberg, Yoichi Herzog, Sruly Orzel and Jeff Weisskopf, and many others who dedicate themselves to the school’s realizing its special mission. Its Executive Directors are rabbis Shlomo Eliezer Meisels and Yossi Weissman, familiar to many community members for their mesirus nefesh for the school, its students and their heroic families. The Founder and Educational Director is Dr. Feldman, who conceived of the idea and courageously provides the direction and leadership to realize its continued success.

Every person’s job in this world is to use the kochos Hashem gave him as best as possible. These children also have kochos and intelligence, but it is hidden and requires painstaking effort to be realized.

3A9A1985The nisayon faced by parents of special children is something that most of us, thankfully, don’t experience. They suffer in silence, shedding tears when no one is watching. Their pain is immense, their pekel so heavy, yet they don’t complain. They take it in stride. They seek out the best for their children and expend so much energy on their behalf. They are heroic in their strength and determination.

Ohr V’Daas helps them to deal with their daily struggles, providing strength and stamina and help them deal with their challenges.

4485Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz, the Publisher of the American Yated was chosen by the school’s board as Guest of Honor in appreciation of his dedication to the school and its ideals. He is involved with several organizations and yeshivos and is known for the causes he has championed.

He has a special relationship with Mr. Rechnitz, who is world famed for his devotion to causes of Torah and Chesed. He has raised the bar in giving and caring about yeshivos, kollelim, mosdos of every type and every stripe. He has publicly adopted many causes as his own and privately has helped hundreds of people. Dozens line up seeking aid, and he does his best to offer assistance to every person who reaches out to him.

His accomplishments are larger than life and legends abound about him, yet he remains humble and self-effacing. The fact that he is traveling to Monsey for this cause speaks volume about his large heart and leadership in communal matters.

This appearance involves numerous logistic difficulties as Mr. Rechnitz is addressing the Torah Vodass dinner as well the same night in New York City in honor of the rosh yeshiva, his esteemed father-in-law Rav Yisroel Belsky. Ohr V’daas has chartered a helicopter to ensure that Reb Shlomo Yehuda will arrive at the second dinner on time.

For Shlomo Yehuda nothing is too insurmountable and no amount of effort too difficult is when it comes to showing hakoras hatov to his friends and to supporting good causes.

He will be presenting Rabbi Lipschutz with the award at 5:45 promptly. Who wouldn’t want to be there! The Dinner reception beings at 5:00 P.M. at Valley Terrace on College Road in Monsey.

Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, an inspiration to scores around the world, is sure to inspire the Monsey community.

For last minute reservations please call the Dinner Hotline at 347.770.6837

2 Responses

  1. I don’t understand why people need to be given “awards”. Do they do more mitzvos if they are given a placard?

  2. While I am not taking away from the good that he does for klal yisrael, I live in Monsey and quite frankly haven’t heard a thing about this visit and quite frankly nobody really cares…when Rav shteinman comes to monsey we are abuzz.
    Good Shabbos

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