Vishnitzer Rebbe: Report to IDF Induction Centers

vishWhile in the past the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita instructed chassidim not to report to IDF induction centers, the rebbe today has changed his position.

For the past two years, Vishnitzer Chassidim have been instructed to report to draft centers for the rebbe felt the lack of tznius may have a negative impact on the young chassidim.

While the rebbe has now changed his position, he instructs chassidim to organize and report in groups, not individually. The letter publicized to chassidim is clear, that the bochrim born before 27 Teves 5759 (January 16, 1999) and have not yet received a draft notice and those who received a draft notice and did not report, to organize and report together, on the same day. It is absolutely forbidden to respond individually, but only as one organized group, on the same day.

The change is the result of successful negotiations towards implementing demands made by the rebbe handled by Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman along with Rabbi Mordechai Stern (secretary to Gedolei Yisrael Shlita) and Rav Chaim Aharon Kaufman (Head of the Vaad Yeshivos).

In addition, anyone born between March 20, 1992 and October 1, 1997, and listed as AWOL (Absent without Official Leave) by the IDF is to immediately turn to Rav Ze’ev Freizler for direction.

There are instruction for others as well as the rebbe’s letter is directed to bochrim and members of Vishnitz kollels too.


At present, the only chareidim now opposed to reporting to draft centers as a matter of policy are those following HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The below statement of yours is very missleading.

    It should say The Rabbonim and Kehillos following HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

    “At present, the only chareidim now opposed to reporting to draft centers as a matter of policy are those following HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.”

    This includes many segments of the Chareidi community.

    All Respect to all Gedolei Yisroel.

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