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Is a Coalition Crisis Brewing Amid Reports PM Netanyahu Planning to Cut Funds for Chareidim

gimChareidi MKs on Thursday morning, 2 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz are abuzz amid rumors Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is planning to cut funds for chareidim that were agreed to in the coalition agreements signed between the chareidi parties and Likud.

It has been announced that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon are planning an 8.2 billion NIS cut, a cut labeled across the board, including monies agreed to in coalition agreements.

The final decision will likely be made in the coming days in talks between the two senior ministers based on recommendations from the experts in the treasury, who are probing just where cuts can be made.

In response to the rumors, Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman was interviewed on Thursday morning on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio). He stated “We will not accept any change in the coalition agreements that were signed with us”.

Litzman’s statement was echoed by other chareidi Members of Knesset, some explaining the prime minister should realize if the rumors prove true he can begin searching for other coalition partners now.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. if they want to make cuts-how about stop paying for free medical care to Syrians and other Arabs who don’t have Israeli Kupot Cholim? How about stop giving away billions of free electricity,water,ETC. to the PA and Hamas? Do that before starving large families and closing schools and yeshivas!!!

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