A First: A Chupah At The Tziyun Rashbi In Meron


Officials affiliated with Mosdos Rashbi explain a chupah that was held at the tziyun this week was the first marriage to take place at the site. The wedding was accompanied by a protest nearby by members of Neturei Karta. They explained the chasenah would lead to additional weddings at the holy site and this would lead to compromised tznius at the holy site.

All efforts to explain to the protesters that it was just a chupah and that the dinner and dancing were held in the yeshiva building did not allay their fears.

Directors of Mosdos Rashbi explain “The chosson and kallah turned to us asking to hold the chupah at the tziyun, explaining they believed their tefilos at the Rashbi led to the shidduch. HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Cohen, reportedly among the prominent mekubalim on Ohr HaRashbi conducted the chupah”.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Moshe Mizrachi, Mosdos HaRashbi)

One Response

  1. Why protest? This sounds very appropriate. You are supposed to remember Yom Hamisah at the Chuppah especially in today’s society where people are trying to remove every bit of fear of Yom Hadin, this at least makes people clearly remember THERE IS AN END. What will your end look like?

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