Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-blake Honors Isaac Schleifer As Baltimore’s Top Neighborhood Dad


As a result of the Cheswolde Neighborhood Association nomination, Isaac Schleifer was honored Tuesday, June 16, 2015 by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as a Top Neighborhood Dad. The criteria for selection was based on honoring those dedicated men who have given selflessly to keep Baltimore’s neighborhoods, better, safer and stronger.

Isaac stood out as a young father who is extremely hands on in his parenting responsibilities. He can be seen at all major community meetings and it is not uncommon to see him with his daughter in tow. He is the kind of person that clearly displays his love for his daughter, family,  and for his community. As Vice President of the Cheswolde Neighborhood Association as well as multiple other community boards and service organizations, he demonstrates tireless dedication to his family and the families that reside in our neighborhood. From safety to charitable involvement he is at the center of all events that involve giving back to the community. Regardless if he is acting in his capacity as Community Liaison to the State’s Attorney’s Office, member of the Hebrew Free Loan Society or member of the Democratic State Central Committee he is a fighter for our community.

Attachment-1 (1)When asked about Isaac and why he was chosen for this honor the Mayor answered,

“The attributes Isaac displays are the kind of traits we want to see in all of our communities’ men. He does not just say that an issue is someone else’s problem. He finds solutions to neighborhood issues, and it is this spirit that helps make Baltimore a great City.  I am excited to recognize Isaac Schleifer as a Baltimore Top Neighborhood Dad for his efforts to face challenges head on and actively seek to be part of the solution.”

Councilwoman Rochelle “Rikki’ Spector stated, “Isaac Schleifer is a fine example of all the dads in our community.  He’s not only devoted to family, he  gives of his time to community, as well, working to resolve issues in good times and bad  and make his neighborhood a better place to live.  I feel that it’s wonderful the Mayor is recognizing Isaac, but to us, we’re recognizing Yitzy. And it’s the Yitzy Schleifers of all communities that make Baltimore City great.”

The Mayor has had this competition for nine (9) years, to highlight the many unsung heroes of our City. The Mayor’s initiatives that focus on the positive accomplishments of Baltimore City citizens puts the emphasis on all the progress and quality of life our communities have to offer while moving the City forward. Though there is much work to do, there are many that are rolling up their sleeves and doing the necessary work out of love for their fellow Baltimoreans. Isaac Schleifer is one of our communities’ heroes.

As many believe that there is no real need for a specific “Father’s Day” as every day should be father’s day, so to every day is a day where Isaac Schleifer seeks out ways to make our community a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

4 Responses

  1. To be “honored” by the race baiting Ms. Blake who let her City burn, I’m not sure its worth anything.

  2. Not getting involved: She may be a lot of things, but race hustler isn’t one of them. She’s actually very bright but is inflicted with a serious disease which clouds your judgement. It’s called LIBERALISM.

    Bringing in Al Sharpton during the riots was out of character and very naive on her part.

  3. Mazel Tov, Yitzy! This will look great on your resume! (In case more children want to to consider adopting you?)

  4. Amazing how the mayor can smile like that while three quarters of her city are killing and Maiming each other every night. Wow!

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