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‘Price Tag’ Graffiti Against Arabs Found in Tzfas

7Authorities in Tzfas on Sunday, 27 Sivan, are probing anti-Arab graffiti found on a wall in Tzfas.

The “death to Arabs” graffiti is believed another so-called price tag incident but some of these in the past have turned out being northing more than Arabs writing anti-Arab graffiti to discredit the Israeli right-wing.

In another matter, a 20 NIS note circulating in Yavne had a swastika drawn on it. The bill was used by someone making a purchase in a local supermarket.

Arab websites have issued a call to visitors to draw swastikas on Israeli bank notes.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. They should not accept any currency that’s been defaced in that manner. Furthermore, the govt. ought (they’re wimps, so they won’t) should render the note defaced and worthless. That will curtail its pursuance.

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