Resolution Condemning Global Acts of Anti-Semitism Approved by New Jersey Assembly

nnaLegislation Assemblywoman Pamela Rosen Lampitt, Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald and Assemblymen Vince Mazzeo, Gary Schaer, Joseph Lagana, and Tim Eustace sponsored condemning global acts of Anti-Semitism and calling for expansion of Holocaust education programs to combat prejudice was approved 74-0Thursday by the Assembly.

The resolution (ACR-211) was advanced by the Assembly State and Local Government Committee.

“We have seen a rising tide of disturbing anti-Semitic acts across the globe in recent years. Whether it is the vandalizing of houses of worship, attacks on families or the disgusting pronouncements of Holocaust-deniers, these acts deserve our strongest outrage and condemnation.” said Lampitt (D-Camden/Burlington) “This virulent strain of prejudice is an affront to the very notions of humanity that form the center of any civilized society.”

“Throughout history, the Jewish people have endured horrific and unrelenting persecution because of their religion,” said Greenwald (D-Camden/Burlington). “Anti-Semitism has no place in our state, in our nation or in our world. It is the duty of leaders in public service to stand up and speak out against this unacceptable prejudice.”

A May 2014 survey by the Anti-Defamation League entitled, “The ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism” surveyed residents of more than 100 countries about their attitudes toward Jewish people. The survey found that a majority of survey respondents had either not heard of the Holocaust or believed the Holocaust never happened.

“Those who discriminate, persecute or terrorize on the basis of religion are committing acts that are abhorrent and wrong,” said Mazzeo (D-Atlantic). “We are sending a clear message: those who perpetrate anti-Semitic acts – wherever they are – deserve nothing but our most severe and unequivocal condemnation.”

“It is unbelievable that in the year 2014, there are those who continue to deny the existence of the Holocaust in order to fan the flames of prejudice both in this country and abroad.” said Schaer (D-Bergen/Passaic). “This resolution will bring additional attention to the bigotry and hate that persists.”

In April 2014, the State Department released the International Religious Freedom report, which noted “the historical stain of Anti-Semitism continued to be a fact of life, leading may individuals who are Jewish to conceal their religious identity” for fear of persecution.

The resolution also notes the recent terror attack on Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris.

“Jewish communities have faced millennia of violence, discrimination, religious-targeted terrorism and attempted genocide,” said Lagana (D-Bergen/Passaic). “Here in New Jersey we are saying enough is enough when it comes to such indefensible prejudice.”

“Anti-Semitic language, symbols and acts are used to terrorize and persecute Jewish people and families solely on the basis of their faith,” said Eustace (D-Bergen/Passaic). “This resolution will put the Assembly strongly on the record in condemnation of these despicable acts, whether they take place down the street or across the globe.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Why be a Nazi, YM”S? The ‘Third Reich’ was supposed to last 1,000 years their leader said. It didn’t even last 1,000 weeks! Be a Roman, Babylonian, etc. They did better and also hated and murdered/killed Jews. Why follow failures? They even lost the war.

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