Pretty sure this is not Rav Chaim’s grandson rather the grandson of Rav Avigdor nebenzahl marrying rav Chaim’s granddaughter.
Hagon Harav Avigdor Nevenzhal is just left out of this. He is right up there with Harav Chaim and we just leave him out. Rav Nevenzhals Grandson is marrying Harav Chaims granddaughter. Thank You.
3 Responses
face recognition please
Pretty sure this is not Rav Chaim’s grandson rather the grandson of Rav Avigdor nebenzahl marrying rav Chaim’s granddaughter.
Hagon Harav Avigdor Nevenzhal is just left out of this. He is right up there with Harav Chaim and we just leave him out. Rav Nevenzhals Grandson is marrying Harav Chaims granddaughter. Thank You.