Chareidi Soldier Claims He Was Ousted for Complaining About being Harassed

idffA chareidi soldier serving in the chareidi Tomer unit in the Givati Brigade claims he was ousted from his service because he filed a complaint about being harassed. He explains another soldier was harassing him and his filing a complaint led to being ousted from service.

The soldier began his service in April in the third wave of induction in the relatively new chareidi Tomer Battalion in the Givati Brigade. He explains the other soldier was unrelenting and he finally decided to complain. The soldier went to his immediate commander who he explains did not take him seriously. He adds as a result the soldier who was bothering him increased his assaults, prompting him to take his case to the platoon commander, which is an unacceptable move for a soldier still in basic training.

The platoon commander explained he is aware of the situation and after having a chat with the soldier who is allegedly harassing him, he has concluded the allegations are exaggerated. The soldier’s psychological condition began deteriorating following the rejection from the platoon commander. As a result he was marked for ‘suicide watch’ which compelled his officers to monitor him day and night. The soldier was sent to a psychiatrist in Soroka Hospital in Beersheva and the next day the IDF Southern Commander Mental Health Officer met with the soldier as well.

The soldier was offered two options; being admitted against his will in a closed psychiatric facility or dismissal from the IDF. He opted for the latter, insisting he is not mentally ill and there is no reason to be admitted against his will to a psychiatric facility. His profile was lowered from a combatant to 21, signaling his unstable mental status.

Last week his fellow soldiers marked the completion of their training in a ceremony at the Kosel. He was not counted among them.

Kikar Shabbos adds the soldier explains he has not given up on his dream of being a combat soldier and he has filed a complaint with military police investigators.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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