Shots Fired At Two NYPD Officers In Queens

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The NYPD says that two officers have been treated at a hospital after a man fired a gun at them in Queens.

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance identifying the following persons wanted in this incident.

On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 1:45AM, a plainclothes sergeant and police officer assigned to the 101 Precinct were patrolling the Redfern Houses, when they observed six males standing in front of 14-30 Redfern Ave. The officers, looking to further observe the group’s activity at that location, parked their unmarked Department auto across the street from 14-20 Redfern Avenue, exited their vehicle, and attempted to enter 14-20 Redfern Avenue in order to access the roof of the location.

As they exited their vehicle and walked across the street, they observed an unidentified black male wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt on the sidewalk in front of 14-20 Redfern Avenue. The male displayed a firearm and discharged the weapon three times in the direction of the officers, before fleeing on foot to an unknown location.

The officers did not return fire, and took cover while requesting assistance.

The officers were removed to Long Island Jewish Hospital, in stable condition, where the sergeant was treated and released for tinnitus, and the police officer was treated and released for back spasms and a bruised knee.

There was no firearm recovered, however three 9mm shell casings were recovered in front of the location.


4 Responses

  1. As long as he is adding more traffic speed cameras for safety and it brings in money for the city it is safe and everything is fine.

  2. “The officers did not return fire, and took cover while requesting assistance”

    So there you have it. The officers were thinking Ferguson, Baltimore, Staten Island, etc… Better to be shot to death by a thug (I thought Bloomberg made guns illegal) than to defend yourself by shooting the dog and having your life turned upside down by the ravenous media and the US AG! We’re done as a Nation.

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