MK Piron: Today I would Embrace the Chareidim More

pirMK (Yesh Atid) Shai Piron, a former Minister of Education, is singing a different tune today as a member of the opposition in Knesset. In an interview with Yediot Achronot Piron explains that seeing Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) at the helm of the ministry, “I say to myself you are sitting on my seat. Sir, you are mistaken. The Ministry of Education is not my workplace but my home”.

While he was viewed by the chareidi tzibur as an adversary during his tenure as minister, today Piron explains “I would embrace the chareidim more”. When asked why he was against the chareidim when trying to compel inserting secular subjects in chareidi schools against their will and backing the chareidi draft he explains his actions are not interpreted properly. “A normative society is built on the tension between conservatism and innovation but there are too few secularists who understand what a huge role the chareidim have play in building the Jewish identity” state Piron.

Piron highlights there are three things that he cannot and will not compromise; the share the burden issue (chareidi draft), the fact that lomdei torah have turned this into an inability to earn a livelihood and the discrimination against Sephardim in Ashkenazi schools.

When asked about running buses on Shabbos, Piron states that something must be done to permit one who has no way to get around to reach his destination. However he feels there should not be bus service in religious areas.

Piron was asked to comment on the fact that Aryeh Deri serves on the cabinet despite having been convicted of crimes and imprisoned. Piron feels the cabinet should reflect exemplary ethical values”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. “When asked about running buses on Shabbos, Piron states that something must be done to permit one who has no way to get around to reach his destination”

    Interesting. Is that that what you learnt in Yeshiva or is that what Dovy taught you?

  2. Declaring war on 15% of a country is politically suicidal in almost any situation. In America, it would be like announcing your party will do everything to hurt African Americans or Hispanics. No political party could survive (the Democrats survived on an anti-Black platform for the first half of the 20th century only because most Blacks were illegally disenfranchised). Hareidim vote, and being an anti-hareidi party (rather than a pro-secular party) is dumb.

    And now Yesh Atid is in the political wilderness, and probably stuck there.

  3. not getting involved,

    if they’re going to be mechalel shabbos anyways, wouldn’t it be better to do derabonans (muktzeh) iinstead of a doraysoh (driving)

  4. “Piron feels the cabinet should reflect exemplary ethical values”

    And based upon his admission that he mistreated the Chareidim, he has disqualified himself too.

  5. #6- Harav Shai Piron received smicha from harav Mordechai Eliyahu zt”l. Who did you receive smicha from?

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