Boro Park: Community Board 12 Update on 14th Avenue Resurfacing

pavCommunity Board 12 was happy to inform the public that the DOT, as promised, successfully completed their milling work on 14th Avenue this Thursday ahead of schedule and as agreed with CB12 will not be doing any work on Friday.

As per the request of CB12, the previously planned paving schedule was postponed to Saturday when there is almost no traffic.

The DOT will be paving the entire stretch of 14th Avenue from Church Avenue to 44th Street on Saturday and they expect to complete the entire job in one day as to not inconvenience the community anymore.

Community Board 12 is cautioning those living in the area to remove their vehicles from 14th Avenue before Shabbos starts to avoid being towed.

Community Board 12 thanked DOT Borough Commissioner Keith Bray for his willingness to do the paving on Saturday and Councilman David Greenfield for being in contact with DOT and working with CB12 to help get this done.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Point to ponder, is it really preferable to have heavy construction done in Boro Park on Shabbos disturbing the menucha of the day to avoid being hassled during the week?

  2. mr. pinay
    doing roadwork on Shabbos does not disturb anyones menucha as every yid walks to shul and those work usually finish by 2-3 pm
    Thursday was a disaster in boro park and I went to a levyeh at shomrei hadas and half of people never made it because it was impossible to get to the funeral home.
    also shoppers couldn’t get to kolel grocery and gourmet glatt all day. so yes it is better Shabbos when not a single person will be affected by this work

  3. By the way, don’t inhale the hot smoke from the tar because it is a carcinogen. The same for exhaust smoke coming out of school buses that are usually using diesel fuel. Very dangerous and damaging to children’s health.

  4. Rabbi Hoffmann: Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to research if any issues of amira l’akum apply here?

  5. all the avenues in boro park should be changed to ONE WAY like 13 and 14 avenues to ease the traffic flow.

  6. Keith Bray always tries to accommodate the needs of the community. CB12 must learn to work with DOT before the jobs begin.

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