HaSviva Seminar This Sunday to Adress Timely Issues for Women in the Workplace

unnamed (3)Success in the workplace may take more than a good work ethic and a positive attitude. Oftentimes, employees need to be proactive in asserting themselves; by promoting their ideas, opinions or accomplishments. Situations arise that warrant speaking up, be it a workplace challenge or a simple request. The ability to promote your achievements and professional contributions can play a major part in moving towards your goal.

However, what happens when a frum woman is faced with a workplace situation where she must assert herself? She may find it difficult to convey her value while still maintaining her modesty. How can she effectively achieve results, without becoming arrogant or immodest, and without it affecting her personal life? Can a frum woman succeed in asserting herself in the workforce, without sacrificing her personal values?

In recognition of this widespread struggle, HaSviva presents a two part series:

Assertive but not Aggressive, Communicating Effectively While Maintaining our Refinement, to be held Sunday June 7 and June 14 at 10am. The series will feature Mrs. Chani Juravel, LCSW, as well as panelists from the field.  For registration and information please email [email protected].

This seminar is just one of the many services offered by HaSviva. HaSviva is not for profit and designed to support frum women and girls in facing the spiritual and personal challenges they meet in the workplace.

In addition to conferences on timely topics, HaSviva provides mentors and peer support groups for frum women to gain the strength and insight to face any workplace challenges.  HaSviva was created with the encouragement and guidance of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit’a. It is endorsed by Rabbanim and is being carried out in conjunction with Agudah Women of America

To join a support group, or for more information, please contact HaSviva at 845-263-9679, or by email at [email protected].

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