Clinton: GOP Trying To Make It Difficult For People To Vote

hilHillary Rodham Clinton is accusing potential Republican presidential rivals Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Rick Perry of Texas, Jeb Bush of Florida and Chris Christie of New Jersey of trying to prevent millions of American citizens from voting.

Clinton says Republicans are “systematically and deliberately” trying to make it difficult for citizens to vote.

She asks, “What part of democracy are they afraid of?”

Speaking in Texas, the Democratic presidential candidate says the U.S. should take dramatic steps to expand voting rights, with universal, automatic voter registration and a new national standard of nearly three weeks of early in-person voting.

Clinton is making the voting access push in a speech at a historically black university. She says the Supreme Court “eviscerated” the landmark Voting Rights Act.


12 Responses

  1. She is doing this right. Soon she will be President Hillary Clinton. And for the first time in like forever we won’t have a First Lady, lol.

  2. Clinton says Republicans are “systematically and deliberately” trying to make it difficult for citizens to vote.

    What is her proof?
    Being a Democrat, its just the “accusation” alone that counts. No proof or facts are necessary.
    She is trying to play the “race” card but it won’t work. Unlike Bill, she’s not black. Unlike Bill, she’s not likable.

  3. She is too stupid to be president.

    There is zero problem with voting, and her fantasy that she and others spin is a cheap gimmick aimed at those with lower intelligence.

    Past elections have been so wrought with Democratic Party fraud that they were comical, with deadly results like Obama. Non-citizens, illegal aliens, criminals in prison, etc. Miraculously, all these vote for Obama. Voting without an ID should be impossible everywhere. many states made it possible to get legal ID’s for no cost. If no one knows who you are, you should not have a vote. What’s so hard to understand?

  4. How foolish!!
    The headline should read “GOP TRYING TO MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS AND NON-CITIZENS TO VOTE.” The GOP is not making it difficult for citizens and legal Aliens.
    Mrs Clinton: What do not understand about that???

  5. Porky Pig aka Hillary Rotten Clinton is one sick women. Not sure what her problem is, after all she puts on her pants just like any other guy, one leg at a time.

    What she meant to say was, that Republicans are working on making it hard for people to vote TWICE.

  6. So the same nonsense playbook begins and the public falls for it.

    The headlines should really read, “Democrats trying to make it easier for voter fraud.” Where else can you vote without having to prove who you are?

  7. You might hate Ms Clinton
    but on this issue she is 100 percent correct, and is unfortunately the only person with national prominence to speak out on the matter

  8. If people are required to have ID that would deny freedom of speech to: A) those who believe they have have a double identity,(or several identities) or going through an identity crisis. B) Want to be several people or live in several counties or states. C)Non citizens. D)The dead.

    All of the above “want to”(even though never asked) and should be allowed to vote democrat.

  9. @Controversy,
    I have no problem with a First Man (Husband?) for the first time in like forever….if the president is Carly Fiorina.
    Not saying she’s the best candidate for the job, but she certainly is the best female candidate ….and frankly I’ll take any Republican candidate over Hillary.

  10. Dead people, aliens and fictitious people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. That’s the Republican position. The Democrats really need those votes (and after all, why should my grandparents, who were all regular Democratic voters, be disenfranchised merely because they are no longer alive?).

  11. The First Lady is the hostess of the White House, not necessarily the President’s wife. Men do not make very good hostesses. Despite this, the president’s husband is likely to be called First Lord (or Gentleman), and getting rid of the unofficial position of First Lady altogether.

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