MDA Command Vehicle Deployed at Haifa Training Event

Äàùâë ÄâÇ üÄÖÇëÜ äçöù Öî ÄâÇ üÜÿéëî 'ÉùàâÜ ÄöÉä 15' - ûëîàì âàüÿàÜ ÄâÇ 3.6.15 (1)Magen David Adom’s front line command center took part in this week’s “Turning Point” nationwide preparedness exercise simulating various types of terror attacks.

On Wednesday, 16 Sivan, MDA took part in a simulated major operation in Haifa, deploying the computerized front line command center to coordinate its personnel. MDA on Wednesday took part in simulations in Zichron Yaakov, Petach Tikvah, and Yerushalayim, the Tel Hashomer Hospital complex, Haifa and other areas.

Equipment in the command vehicle includes cameras capable of reaching a 19 meter height to transmit video data to personnel in the command center. There is also a meeting room and the vehicle is equipped with state-of-the-art technological apparatus to permit the EMS organization to address large scale incidents. The command center’s internet and communications system are capable to continue operations even when the infrastructure grid goes down.

For MDA, in addition to evaluating the performance of its personnel, the week-long preparedness event permits it to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel manning command centers such as this front line vehicle.

MDA Chief Eli Bin on Wednesday also took part in a briefing of emergency agencies and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Bin used the opportunity to explain to the prime minister the EMS organization’s budgetary issues are not being met and as the primary emergency pre-hospital caregiver the national government must address this reality. Bin also pointed out the need to allocated land for MDA to build a fortified blood bank for today the blood bank services are not in such a building and therefore susceptible to missile attack. Mr. Netanyahu instructed his staff to address both of these issues towards reaching a plan to assist MDA, adding the blood bank infrastructure is nothing less than a ‘national resource’.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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