OUTRAGEOUS: NYC Places ‘Mobile Speed Camera’ Blocking Williamsburg Fire Hydrant And Bus Stop

scaThis is simply outrageous.

The attached photo was taken on Thursday morning in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, at the intersection of Myrtle Ave and Spencer Street. You can clearly see that there is a grey SUV parked in front of a fire hydrant and also blocking a bus stop.

But this vehicle isn’t just an ordinary private vehicle – this SUV belongs to the City of New York.

And not only is this a City-owned vehicle – but it was placed there to catch speeders and issue tickets to hundreds of people each day. The vehicle is part of the NYC “Mobile Speed Camera” vehicle fleet.

While YWN has no issue with the city enforcing the vehicle and traffic laws and issuing summonses to those breaking the law, we do take issue with the city breaking multiple laws while they enforce the law.

Speed cameras, which issue tickets automatically when drivers go more than 10mph over the speed limit, have produced a surge in tickets and generated more than $20 million in revenue for New York City.

Last year, the city had 49 speed cameras in operation. Currently, 57 are operational, and City Hall plans to have a total of 140 cameras operating by the end of the year.

According to the Daily News, last year more than 445,000 speed-camera tickets were issued. That’s compared to nearly 118,000 issued manually by police officers over the same period.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Im not sure how they can legally collect on these tickets they only have proof the car was over the limit but they dont know who the driver was at the time

  2. Yes, this is an outrage. Besides the pump, he’s also parked in a bus zone.

    Anyone with a half a brain knows this “Vision Zero” has NOTHING to do with “safety”. This is all about ripping off the dumb stupid useless tax paying citizen! This is all about raising revenue for the city coffers run by the most corrupt people on earth! How many times have we seen the Mayor himself, speeding & going thru red lights on non emergency outings? DeBlasio being late to his meetings, doesn’t give him a legal right to break the law.
    The bigger outrage is that the impotent City Council just doesn’t give a hoot and green lights everything this Liberal Mayor says or does! But then again, the “Askonim” told the lemechals to vote for DeBlasio because Joe Lohta “lacked personality”. How is that “personality” thing working out for you now? Got your Pre-K?

  3. 1,
    They’re been doing this for years though constitutionally there’s no basis for it.
    If you ignore the ticket nothing happens really. At least that’s how it is in some places – בדוק ומנוסה

    The guy was probably thinking: Thank me for not occupying a usable spot…

  4. For crying out loud!! Pls dont make a chillil Hashem i dont think it really bothers you rather you want to make a tumult which i dont agree with

  5. Is the truck parked is it standing I can’t tell from the picture. If it is standing (engine running driver inside) it is legal in front of the pump.

  6. If you speed endangering yourself and others you cannot complain if you get a ticket. Those who say this is just a revenue exercise are talking nonsense. Fining people who show no regard for road safety is 100% OK. That has nothing to do with the city parking a vehicle in a prohibited place. Whoever did that should be sanctioned personally. All the tickets that can be issued should be and the culprit’s salary should be docked.

  7. How long will it take for a majority of New Yorkers to realize that ticket cameras are a for-profit BUSINESS for the city? Ticket cameras are “gotcha” programs that ticket mostly safe drivers who have endangered no one (along with a small percentage of drivers doing hazardous things).

    If the cameras ticketed only the hazardous drivers, no one would object, but then the total fines would not even come close to paying for the cameras. No profits = NO cameras.

    James C. Walker, Life Member – National Motorists Association

  8. Someone drove my NJ car into NYC, mistakengly went thru a red light. I was camera ticketed, upon writing to the Mayor for help he actualy just forwarded it to the “court” who just added a penalty. I appealed this NO Justice to all situation , but was not even given constitutional rights. I came to the conclusion that in NJ these issues are handled by the Dept. of Justice, and in NYC it is handeled by the Dept. of FINANCE…$$$

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