Women of Los Angeles Embrace Ner Echad

nerechad-hillygram-new-version (1)I wholeheartedly endorse this magnificent movement”.It sounds wonderful, and I am thrilled to participate. “I’m honored you’re asking to put my name on such an inspiring and beautiful project”.What a beautiful way to honor the memory of Rebbetzin Kanievsky”.       “It would be an honor and a pleasure to lend my endorsement. ”Wishing Ner Echad much continued bracha and hatzlacha”. “What an honor, this is so exciting!

These are just some of the responses received when local Rebbetzins were asked to participate in bringing Ner Echad to Los Angeles.  This week in L.A. Ner Echad is everywhere; in supermarkets, restaurants and the women’s section of every Shul across the city. The Ner Echad flyer was distributed at carpool lines, and sent out to email groups, Shul bulletins, and the widely read electronic newsletter ‘The Hillygram’.

Who wouldn’t want to help spread more Jewish unity, woman to woman? I’m so glad I could help!” – Local volunteer distributing flyers

Ner Echad’s targeted city-by-city campaign is the chosen method of reaching out to women to join this powerful movement. Since its inception at the behest of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, Ner Echad has attracted members from all over the globe, and from every kind of background and affiliation.

One of the major draws for me, as a member, is the knowledge that in that exalted moment, I’m connected to women all over the world. It’s comforting to know that someone out there, whether she be next door, or in a far off country, is having me in mind in her prayers.”  -Nechama J. – Brooklyn, NY

I love Ner Echad!  My licht on Friday is so much more meaningful now that I am davening for another Jewish woman and keeping her specific needs in mind. In these difficult times it’s crucial for all of us to be connected.  We women can lead the way with this, and Ner Echad is a great example.  We need to draw together, in our Tefillos and in all other areas, and be united before Hashem. This is the greatest shield against our enemies, and our greatest hope to bring the Geula… May it be very soon!  I’m very thankful to the women who developed this wonderful program.” – Chava A. – Los Angeles, CA

I used to light only on the holidays, but now, with Ner Echad, I’m going to try to light every week.”  – Eva H. – Budapest, Hungary

I feel elevated, and connected to each Jewish sister, by praying for them each week, just as I pray for my family members. I cannot describe how much sweeter the Mitzvah of candle-lighting has become. Thank you.  – Esther K. – Far Rockaway, New York

Ner Echad is looking forward to bringing this beautiful movement to you, wherever you are, to help you elevate your candle lighting moment, to enable you to pray for others and be prayed for by others, to be inspired, to give unified Tzedakah, and to connect with other Jewish women the world over!

If you want to help bring Ner Echad to YOUR city, please contact us today!  www.NerEchad.org 844-N-E-R-E-C-H-A-D (844 637 3242) and watch our 3 minute animated video:

4 Responses

  1. Its so nice to have her finally wake up to a project that Ger has been doing for over a decade successfully. Ger has been active in many supermarkets and other areas in NYC too. Welcome to achdus and candle lighting America.

  2. What makes Ner Echad unique is that (following the guidance of R’ Chaim Kanievsky) we as members Daven for a different Ner Echad member each week, for the reason that she requests. Adding that special name to my Tefilos at Licht Bentching each week, while knowing that–
    a)I am automatically donating a dollar to Rebbetzen Kanievsky’s a”h personal Tzedakos and
    b) some unknown member of Ner Echad somewhere is davening for me with my requested need–
    has enhanced the spirituality of my candle-lighting!

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