Emergency Message From Hatzolah Regarding Children With Radios Interfering With Hatzolah Emergency Radio Transmissions

hHatzolah of Boro Park has released an urgent message to the community, which should not be taken lightly. There is a serious problem that has recently started, which has spread to all communities – not just Boro Park.

Years ago, radio communication equipment was very expensive, with Hatzolah radios costing in the range of $1000 – $2000 per radio. Thanks to electronics made in China, radios capable of transmitting on every frequency – including that of Hatzolah – can now be purchased for as low as $30! Children who once upon a time had “scanners”, now have devices capable of transmitting over the Hatzolah radio frequency. This has already caused interference during life threatening emergencies when members on scenes have been unable to communicate with their dispatcher to relay vital information in which seconds can make a difference in saving a life.

Therefore, Hatzolah has released this urgent message pleading with parents to confiscate ALL radios with Hatzolah frequencies from children, and imploring parents not to buy these devices for them.

Please pass this urgent message along – and possibly SAVE A LIFE!

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

19 Responses

  1. Useless?!

    If emergency services are using a frequency, regardless of which frequency it is, no one has any business interfering.

  2. This is a serious situation. It seems strange to mention China, though. I feel the message would have been equally strong without it.

  3. 1. The frequencies are irrelevant. Without an FCC license, it’s illegal to broadcast on the Hatzolah frequencies and you can get in trouble.
    This is not the same as listening in on a scanner and that is interesting, depending on what/where you’re listening to.

  4. Why cant Hatzolah scrap all two way radios and get some open line with Verizon (or any carrier) on a line to each member similar to Amigo phones we had..

  5. #5 digital isn’t any better. When your driving and u have a digital radio the connection is very bad. Ask any bssp member, because they have digital.

  6. The ignorance of the copywriter who wrote this is astonishing. Rather than demonizing an object that many kids use lawfully with the consent and knowledge of the federal government perhaps a plea not to interfere with safety of life communications and an admonishment of the penalties as well. Or better yet get the local amateur radio club to help DF the miscreants and bring them over to the light side when they are found.

  7. There are plenty of completely legitimate uses for this kind of radio – Amateur Radio, for starters, which has no age limit and requires considerable knowledge for a child.

    There are also numerous other licensed and unlicensed services for which this equipment can be used without any impact to any other services.

    It is also perfectly acceptable to program a radio personality for “receive only”, making it impossible to transmit accidentally – in other words, making it identical to a scanner functionally.

    The market competition has made family, recreational and emergency communications accessible to people of all walks of life and income levels – scaring people and demanding that parents confiscate the radio is employing a sledgehammer where it isn’t needed.

    In the rather unlikely situation the parent doesn’t know what a child is using this radio for, they need to… be a parent, investigate, find out, and then act accordingly in a logical, coherent way.

    I’m sorry that Hatzolah has been having problems with unauthorized use – and I am quite sympathetic, as a long-time ham radio operator (a service where enforcement is near zero). But let’s not be too hasty to punish people who aren’t doing anything wrong.

  8. Yes, the radio is shown to be on the 70 cm band. These, and similar Chinese radios cover a significant range of frequencies around both the 2 metre and 70cm bands. They are OK if used on the amateur bands only, by youths or adults with an Amateur Radio Licence. Unfortunately they are perhaps all a student can afford. More expensive (Japanese) radios only caver the “ham” bands. I expect they are also used as they are cheaper than a scanner, although someone without a licence should not have one (scanners are fine).
    A trunking system is perhaps a better solution for the organisation.

  9. Instead of all the professionals offering near impossible immediate solutions, let the parents do what’s critically important at this time. Get the radios out of the hands of kids.
    I am a member. I hear the constant chatter. I’m asking kindly for parents to be responsible. your action now will save a life tomorrow.

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