Largest Day of Giving for Chesed Launches with Just 24 Hours to Raise $2.8M. All or Nothing

lbrcThe clock has started at! Fifteen organizations representing different areas of Chesed in 15 different communities have just 24 hours to raise $2.8M – all or nothing. In this unique online giving challenge, all donations will be quadrupled up to their goal, but if the organizations don’t reach their online goals, none of the pledges will be collected.MillionsforChesed was initiated by Baltimore entrepreneur and Ahavas Yisrael Board Member, Nechemia Weinreb, after participating as a matcher in AJOP’s MillionforOutreach giving day that raised $1.36M in February.“What I saw by the Outreach Giving Day was amazing. I never would have believed it had I not seen it,” shares Weinreb. “Ahavas Yisrael of Baltimore is actually scheduling this instead of a dinner, and our major donors are thrilled and giving more. They’re excited about how the crowdfunding will make it so much easier to reach the community in just 24 hours to bring in at least a quarter of our $600,000 goal. By multiple organizations working together, we can bring in many more people to raise a multi-million dollar goal for Jewish communities anywhere.”

Uncharacteristically, the event itself has no sponsors. No major philanthropic underwriting. Just cooperation. Just recognizing how a joint effort would benefit them as part of something greater. It has been organized by the crowdfunding platform

Each organization will be raising money toward their own community and cause, but they are doing it together, as one. It is a unique exercise in trust and shared responsibility between major donors, grassroots givers, and the organizations.

The event is All or Nothing. While major matchers will quadruple every gift made in MillionsforChesed, if the community does not step up to meet its goal online, NONE of the donations will be collected. Not only does the campaign increase the impact of small gifts, it more importantly shows how crucial grassroots community support is to the success of communal organizations.The organizations who stepped up to this challenge personify outstanding examples of Jewish chesed, who rose to the challenge to learn this cutting-edge, high-efficiency collaborative fundraising method for their organizations. These organizations excel as community-based Tomchei Shabboses, Bikur Cholims, Hachnosos Kallahs, and even special needs residences and services, services for the Jewish blind, and special clown services for sick children. They are now brave leaders of game-changing philanthropy who have increased their efficiency – attempting to raise more money, on less time, with less expense – so that their organizations can spend more time on their mission.

Quadruple your donation to these outstanding organizations, and help impact their communities now at: Choose one campaign or donate to all.  Questions for the organizers can be directed toTobey Finkelstein.


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