Betar Illit Resident to Face Attempted Murder Charges for Assaulting And Attacking Police

mishBetar Illit Mayor Meir Rubinstein spoke with the local police commander to express his condemnation over an attack that occurred on Wednesday, 9 Sivan when a local resident assaulted policemen during a search. The policemen Baruch Hashem were not seriously injured.

The assailant, a young resident of the chareidi city, was arraigned on Thursday in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court. He may face numerous charges including attempted murder. The attack occurred during an operation to locate illegal substances in a private home. The policemen’s injuries included a knife wound and a bite.

In his conversation with Gush Etzion Police Commander, Superintendent Eli Zeitoun, Rubinstein said “I am shocked and horrified by the chutzpah of these criminals that dare to assault police who remain dedicated to the residents and are involved in avodas kodesh. Police are to use the full weight of the law against such criminals, who crossed an unacceptable line and all boundaries — to my sorrow exactly as I thought would occur when I warned of this in our last meeting”.

Rubinstein expressed confidence that when the police station in the city opens in the coming months, it will boost police activities in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Missing why he attacked the police. Was this another cop bothering a from Jew. Just like the Ethiopian soldier.

  2. makes it seem that the perpetrator himself was chareidi. good chance not. unfortunately there are many kids living in government low cost housing units within the city that do not follow Torah and halacha. B”h they are few but it should not cast a negative light on a beautiful city filled with significant talmidei chachamim and baalei m iddos tovos!

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