Jordan Valley Leader: Be Careful of What You Say

bibnPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is quoted telling the European Union’s Foreign Minister during a meeting that he is willing to accept the so-called two-state solution plan under certain conditions. This entails what is referred to as “settlement blocs”, those communities that will remain after a deal is closed as opposed to many yishuvim that will be uprooted to permit the PA (Palestinian Authority) to declare the State of Palestine.

The head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council, David Elchiani in an interview with Arutz-7 News, warns against becoming too familiar with the term “settlement blocs”, explaining by doing so, we take part in the delegitimization of communities not included in the so-called blocs. Elchiani, who is affiliated with Likud, questions the language of his colleagues, who he accuses of assisting in this delegitimization by using such a term. He cites Elon Moreh as an example, a legal community in Shomron which was established by a government of Israel but today, finds itself outside the designated “settlement bloc” in that area, hence marked for elimination.

Fearing some may buckle under mounting international pressure, Elchiani is calling on the Likud-led government to annex the Jordan Valley communities are part of the State of Israel amid a growing climate in the international community to relinquish those communities in an agreement with the PA. He feels that by annexing his area as well as Ariel, Maale Adumim or Gush Etzion, it will reduce pressure and international boycotts since the latter is the result of the international community viewing the areas as less than legitimate.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The Palestinians are less likely to give up their claims for the territory Israel controled from 1949-1967 than are the Israelis to give up claims for the 1967-present territories in the West Bank.

  2. Why is anyone wasting time with this subject? Until the Muslim entities and groups abandon terror, it is unsafe to permit them any form of legitimacy. They have proven to the entire world countless times that they are uncivilized savages who simply declare Israelis and other Jews as their choice prey. They do not take care of their own, except to make ceremonies out of their funerals. Their children get raised in the streets, their governments are run by greedy creatures who do not allow aid to ever reach a target, their hospitals and schools are nothing more than military launch points. And someone wants to make serious discussion about a “two state solution”? Until such time as these gangs are demilitarized, no one should be discussing anything.

  3. The “palestinians” can’t even get along with themselves so how can anyone expect us to make peace with them. They can’t even have peace amongst themselves. We gave them land and then they killed each other and now there’s 2 palestinian governments. They really should be calling it a ‘3 state solution’ not a ‘2 state solution’. So ridiculous.

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