Young Eilat Driver Loses his License for Excessive Speed

mishA young Eilat driver, 25, was detained by traffic police and his license was suspended when he was nabbed one night this week traveling 142 KPH in a 50 KPH zone inside the city. The young man was on the Hotel Bypass Road near the city’s airport.

The young man was driving a new vehicle. He told police “I am excited” over the new vehicle and did not realize just how fast he was traveling.

His license has been suspended for 30 days pending the outcome of his trial. Police point out that he endangered lives by traveling three times the maximum speed limit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Why is this newsworthy? The fact that you find news like this on the Israeli websites that you take news from does not make it relevant. Even to your readership in Israel. Would you post an article about a driver in Albany who got his license suspended for speeding?

  2. That’s a lame excuse! I hope they threaten to take away his license for good if he is ever caught again going excessively over the speed limit.

    Also, why is 25 considered young? That’s potentially 8 years on the road! People get married way younger than that!

  3. News is what is unusual. Are you suggesting that the Israelis normally do NOT revoke the license of someone who goes 90 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone?

  4. …and in other news 5 cars on Avenue J were ticketed for parking with expired muni meter receipts, 1 car was ticketed on Aveneie M for parking in a bus stop and 3 cars on 13th Avenue were ticketed for double parking.

  5. Nobody forced U to read this stop complaining. It is important for somebody getting a new car to know they could accidentally drive allot faster than they think.

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