Israel Bracing for a 2nd Spring Heatwave

hwaAbout ten days since the last heatwave in Israel, forecasters predict even hotter and dryer weather on Wednesday, 9 Sivan. Forecasters stress “this is still spring time, as the weather during the summer is usually not as hot and dry”, attributing the predicted sweltering forecast to another ‘sharav’ heatwave.

The scorching temperatures begin on Tuesday, when the temperature in Jerusalem is expected to reach 85 F, but with the heat index it will feel like 91. On Wednesday the thermometer will climb to 100 F and it will feel like 104 in the capital.

Some other predicted temperatures for Wednesday, 9 Sivan include:

· Ariel 104 F (feels like 110 F)

· Ashdod (106)

· Ashkelon (104)

· Beit Shean (104)

· Eilat 109 (112)

· Golan Heights (101)

· Haifa 98 (104)

· Hebron (108)

· Maale Adumim (98)

· Tel Aviv 106 (109)

· Tiveria 105 (feel like 114)

Temperatures will drop on Thursday, back to a mere 86 F in the capital, down to 76 F on Friday and the same for Shabbos.

Israel Electric Company announces it is halting all non-essential work and all efforts will surrounding supplying electricity as demands will without a doubt peak during the heat of the afternoon Wednesday.

The hottest temperature on record is in Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi in the Beit Shean Valley, registering 129.2 F (54 C) in the 1950s. Kibbutz Gilgal is expected to have the hottest temperature on Wednesday, around 44 C (111 F). Kibbutz officials have already announce work will end on Wednesday at 13:00.

Health officials are calling on people with chronic illness and others unaccustomed to the stifling heat to remain indoors in cool areas. Persons traveling about are urged to continue drinking water on Tuesday and Wednesday as the sun is extremely strong with the beginning of the latest ‘sharav’ heatwave. This is also true for tourists and visitors, who may not be accustomed to the extreme temperatures.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. In the summer of 1986, I lived in southeast Texas. It topped 100 F every day for 40 straight days and I did not have the benefit of air conditioning. I finally moved to cooler climes that August, after a lifetime in Texas. It was 107 F on the bank sign as I pulled out of town. Unfortunately, it got hotter before it got cooler. When I got to Little Rock, Arkansas, it was 115 F. I kept heading north. When I reached my destination, it was 83 F and it felt like heaven. That is the usual summer temperature for the part of Eretz Yisrael where I now live. One or two days of this is nothing.

  2. In May?? We expect very high temps in July & August, but RBS never reaches these numbers, not even in the summer months.

  3. Devash – that’s like someone from Siberia saying that it’s no big deal to go out with a coat in -10; it’s so warm! You were used to it (and apparently still are), but the people in Eretz Yisroel are not. 70’s is heaven to me, and for you (like friends of mine from Florida) it might be cold.

    Also, it’s one thing to say it’s normal for the middle of the summer, but it’s not even June yet! 90’s and up wouldn’t even be normal for the East Coast at this point in the year, and it can get pretty hot there!

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