Is Finance Minister Kahlon Judged by a Different Standard Among Chareidim?

kahWhen Yair Lapid became finance minister, he began his tenure with an address in Knesset in which he addressed Moshe Gafne. He explained “we no longer take orders from you”, referring to Gafne serving as head of the Knesset Finance Committee, a position Gafne once again holds today, in the 20th Knesset.

The plenum address by Lapid set the stage for the rivalry between Lapid and Gafne, which was only exacerbated by the address.

Gafne then cried out that Lapid responded via Facebook on Shabbos, with Lapid making certain to write “I post on Shabbos because I am not Shomer Shabbos. I don’t tell you what to do and please don’t tell me”. This was met with an outcry by Gafne.

One may now question if Gafne and his colleagues will exhibit increased flexibility to Lapid’s successor, Finance Minister (Kulanu) Moshe Kahlon, who continues to post to his Facebook page on Shabbos and Yomtov amid a chareidi silence. One might opine that since Kahlon is viewed as an ally to Yahadut Hatorah the chareidi MKs prefer to refrain from stirring the pot and remain silent.

In a Shavuos post Kahlon explains how Members of Knesset of his party are in a number of ministries and Knesset committees as he promised voters during the elections would be the case if he enters the coalition.

He also posted about Shavuos, explaining the significance of the Yomtov which marks Matan Torah, the basis of Am Yisrael’s emunah and the mitzvos that we have as a nation. He cites we mustn’t ever forget these mitzvos and values, and we must always remember from where we came as a nation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Three differences:

    1. They are both part of the government.

    2. Kahlon wasn’t in their face and antagonistic. Big difference in Kahlon’s attitude and approach than the Bulvan Lapid.

    3. Kahlon is trying to lower the cost of living and is generally supportive of religion.

    On the other hand, people should be consistent in their views, no matter who is involved. I would hope that Chareidi politicians would speak to him privately to avoid Chillul Shabbos and yom Tov.

  2. Kahlon seems to be a nebbech; he values Torah and Yiddishkeit but simply either doesn’t know the Issur of using a computer on Shabbos or doesn’t understand it’s severity.
    Hopefully he will learn as time goes on.

  3. I post on Shabbos because I am not Shomer Shabbos. I don’t tell you what to do and please don’t tell me”.

    forced conscription in the idf?

  4. Kahlon is a Sefardi, elected on a platform of liberalizing Israel housing problems, which are largely created by dumb government policies, that will benefit the hareidim as well as the country as a whole.

    Lapid is a ultra-secular Ashkenazi, elected on a platform of persecuting hareidim and banishing them from public life, and if possible, forcing them to leave Eretz Yisrael. Unlike Kahlon, Lapid tries to force his ultra-secular views on others.

  5. There is a difference between someone posting on shabbos to say they don’t keep shabbos; and someone posting on Yom tov to explain the significance of the Yom tov. One is an instigator (oseh aveiros lehachis), and one is just ignorant/foolish.

  6. Mbachur,
    You do realize that obviously lapid was not referring to laws right? I am not pro lapid, but I am pro common sense.

  7. There is a difference between a “Moomer L’hachis” and someone that just doesn’t keep all the mitzvos and is respectful. Yair Lapid has this burning (lapid) hate for yiddishkeit as a yerusha from his father, Tommy Lapid, who acted in the same way. Why shouldn’t a respectful Kalhon be treated differently?

  8. notyeshivish

    i am not gonna let that one go by without commenting. pro common sense?? lapid is the one who made up the law. there was no forced conscription be4 he came along and there was after! that means he forced conscription on chareidim and told them how to live thir lives. where is the common sesnse??

  9. notyeshivish,


    thats the bigggest way of telling someone what to do

    so you’re saying lapid would befor keeping shabbos if the chareidim made it a law?

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