Lapid Continues Apologizing to the Chareidi Tzibur

lapYesh Atid opposition party leader Yesh Atid was interviewed by Kol Berama Radio. Lapid used the opportunity to once again apologize to the chareidi tzibur for not conducting a dialogue but blacklisting the parties instead. Following are excerpts from the 30-minute interview.

“Ask anything for I know there was too much disinformation concerning me and relations with the chareidi parties…”

Kol Berama:

Why did you agree to the interview since you are well-aware the chareidim are not your followers?


We have to learn to live together once and for all. Even if the chareidim do not support me we must learn to speak, respect one another and agree to disagree. I made many errors including the lack of dialogue with the chareidim.

I never boycotted the chareidim. I did say chareidim cannot be part of a coalition that passes the new ‘share the burden’ draft law [because of their own beliefs]. I believe that ultimately this will bring us closer together and not further apart.

I do not like sectoral parties but I have nothing whatsoever against chareidim and I am willing to be in a coalition with the chareidim.

I am interviewing with you because I will take advantage of any and every platform to get my message out, that I do not hate chareidim. One may disagree without hating one another, without being an enemy.

I asked Gafne many times why he continues speaking of the hate. I told him and continue to say I do not hate chareidim yet he continues to declare I hate chareidim. It is time to get over it and move forward.

Kol Berama:

I checked your Facebook page and saw many if not most of your posts are related to the chareidim in one way or another.


Fine but tell me, did you see a single post that was insulting or lacked respect. I do not delegitimize the chareidim as many say is the case. I believe that in a democratic society every citizen must enjoy the same rights and responsibilities, including induction into the military at the age of 18 and one having to get out and work to support oneself. This is my opinion and understand not everyone agree. However, there is a difference between not agreeing and spreading hate.

Kol Berama:

Chareidim received funding for summer programs for special needs children for years and under you the money was cut off.


I myself have a daughter with special needs. This is the first time I am hearing of this and I am angered. I would never do such a thing to the chareidim or other sectors. I never heard of this until you said it.

Kol Berama:

It could be that it was done by the Education Ministry, not you and that is why you did not hear of it.


Saying ‘the chareidim’ is the same as saying ‘the chilonim’ and this refers to many different walks of life and it is important to understand not all chareidim or chilonim are alike.

Regarding the draft law, the decision that everyone must serve came from Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, who was appointed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and not me. At the moment the AG says the law compels this, I am compelled to adhere to his instructions as a government minister. Regarding criminal sanctions, there is no such thing. It does not exist. However when the AG says there must be consequences to not adhering to the law, it must be part of the law.

I understand the tzibur view the draft as a threat and it will take time for people to come around. This will not occur overnight. Remember, the same law protects people studying Torah as a value under law. This too is significant. We are all aware that not everyone is suited to spend his life with a Gemara but I do not want to go there for I do not wish to appear insensitive.

Kol Berama:

It is possible that chareidim cannot or do not understand your view since they view the world from a different perspective entire.


One of things I am doing is agreeing to interview with the chareidim media as often as I can so you can hear things from me, not disinformation from other.

If my son is sent to Gaza tomorrow and is killed chas v’sholom and then there are others who are not compelled to serve. How is a family expected to see this when their children are in perilous danger. However, whatever the case may be, you cannot compel all the chareidim to serve tomorrow for as we have seen it will not work by force. Perhaps by dialogue but you or others cannot compel such a situation.

Dialogue is critical towards reaching an understanding with one another.

Kol Berama:

Enough with the IDF. Let’s speak about Litzman. I understand he will not even say hello to you.


I asked Moshe Gafne to assist, explaining to him that I always say hello to Litzman, who is known to be a polite individual. He will not even say hello back so I asked Gafne to use his influence to hopefully open a door to a minimum dialogue.

Regarding the petition to the Supreme Court, it is not against Litzman personally but once again, about one set of rules for all of us. If he wishes to be a player in the game, then he must follow the same rules that we all follow. That means to head a ministry, one must be a minister, not a deputy minister. This is the way the cabinet operates and this is the case for every other ministry. I am not targeting Litzman but the issue of one feeling he can run a ministry without becoming a cabinet minister.

It is fine that we do not agree on issues but there must be a dialogue.

Kol Berama:

For example Litzman says he does not serve in the IDF as is the case with his children and he does not feel it is his place to order soldiers into war. He also cannot accept the chilul Shabbos that is a part of the cabinet’s realities and the running of the country, and that is why the chareidim do not become cabinet ministers.


Once again we are not in agreement and once again I say there cannot be two sets of rules.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 1. He is not the leader of the opposition – that role is filled by the head of the largest party in opposition, which is Labor, meaning Herzog.

    2. What he says to frum media is irrelevant. In the secular media he is an anti-Jewish as always.

  2. As they say “how many atheists are in the foxhole “?
    Suddenly when he’s out of the government and no position of power he sings a different song. Get away from us you רשע מרושע!

  3. He sounds so reasonable here, doesn’t he? But there is one huge problem with his words – we don’t believe him. What we see is “I messed up, I really alienated Chareidim so I have to say whatever I must in order to get them on my side.” Let’s face it, actions speak louder than words.

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