This Shavuos, As You Enjoy Your Cheesecake, Make It Possible For Orphans at Girl’s Town Or Chadash To Enjoy Their’s Too


As Chag Shavuos approaches and we all want to tap into it’s greatness, we would like to make you aware of an opportunity to fulfill the opinion of the Rambam[i]  and Shulchan Aruch[ii]  regarding the mitzvah of simchas yom tov, that one is obligated to feed orphans and widows among the poor, and the Mishna Berurah[iii] uses unusually harsh words for one who doesn’t.

This is the 50th year of Girl’s Town Or Chadash, an enclave of happiness, love, care, compassion, and growth for the 250 girls that call this setting home. Located in Rechasim, Israel, the school was established by Rav Elya Lopian in 1965 and is currently under the administration of Rav Moshe Tanami and Rav Yehuda Melamed.


Our institution is comprised of girls between 7th-12th grade of all backgrounds, who are either orphans or products of broken/battered homes, including physical abuse, substance abuse, etc. We invest in the girls on all levels, including full room and board, nutritious bountiful meals, a stellar education, after-school activities, 5 full time social workers, spiritual development, scholarships for post high school education, and wedding costs, but most importantly: loads of love, warmth, and someone to lean on.

3Unfortunately, our current donor base is not meeting the needs of supporting these wonderful girls, and the girls have no one else to turn to. Therefore, we would like you to consider partnering with us in this lofty cause.

We are attaching an authentic letter signed by Rav Shteinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Dov Yaffe, and Rav Gershon Edelstein Shlit”a regarding partnering with us in this lofty cause and the tremendous GUARANTEED (their words!) reward associated with those who support it, including meriting to see grandchildren, wealth, Olam Haba, and blessed progeny.


Below are signatures from the following gedolim:

Rav Dov Yaffe
Rav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman
Rav Gershon Edelstein
Rav Chaim Kanievsky


Anyone who donates a minimum of $54/month for 12 months or a one time donation of $500 can give names in the comments section of the donation page, which will be brought to Rav Shteinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky or Rav David Abuchatzeira for a bracha before Shabbos (you can choose to whom and what bracha to ask for).


Anyone who is interested in hearing more about us or would like to visit our school should please contact Rabbi Ariel Maik, our Director of Public Relations, who can be reached at [email protected] . Numerous dedications are available

Wishing all of Klal Yisrael a Chag Sameach!


[i] Hilchos Yom Tov 6:17

[ii] 529:2

[iii] 529:17

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