Why Cincinnati? Because It’s What You’ve Been Looking For!


You may have seen the ads, but let’s examine why more than twenty-five families of Bnei Torah have joined the frum community in Cincinnati, OH over the last number of years, all on their own.

Cincinnati is a community where the recipe for a high quality of life, and a structure that facilitates growth in Ruchniyus, are both already in place. With no traffic and a short commute, it’s like you are being gifted many extra hours of your day or week to spend with your family, in the Beis Medrash, or doing whatever it is that you just never seem to be able to find time to do. Brooklyn and Lakewood are less than ten hours away by car, so it is still possible to be at that family Bar Mitzvah or other occasion for Shabbos, without having to break the bank.

Home Everything about Cincinnati seems more affordable. We enjoy very inexpensive housing for a variety of homes in all shapes and sizes, all in the same high-class and safe neighborhood. Additionally, all children in grades K-12 are eligible for a state tuition voucher that covers at least $4,250 of your tuition bill, which starts out lower than much of what is charged in the “in town” yeshivos. This voucher is non-income based, which means that everyone is eligible, regardless of what it says on your 1040! The economy in Cincinnati is strong, which means that the right job is out there for you. As a matter of fact, the cost of living in Cincinnati is charted as being half of what it costs to live in NYC! (source: www.salary.com) Career opportunities are available in a variety of fields, and we are dedicated to aid in all job searches using our local connections and strong relationships with recruiters and staffing agencies.

IMG_20140330_161439_214    Cincinnati also boasts a robust combination of beautiful shuls, a vibrant Kollel, and a full complement of Kosher food shopping that makes living a Torahdike lifestyle both easy and meaningful. The Kollel Beis Medrash is populated early in the morning with Baalei Batim who come to learn before davening, and is packed in the evening with all of the Bnei Torah who are driven to learn even after a full day at work. Many opportunities exist to make a difference in the community, be it in Kiruv Rechokim, in the Shuls, or in many other capacities, which for many is better than feeling like you’re “just another guy.”

IMG_8643  So what are you waiting for? If you are looking for a place where there are other Bnei Torah who are raising their families in a wholesome environment while living a high-quality affordable lifestyle, you’ve found it in Cincinnati. We can’t wait for you to join them!

For more information, visit our website at www.frumcincinnati.com. You can also contact R’ Binyamin Teitelbaum at [email protected] or at (347) 306-6400 for more details or to schedule a visit to Cincinnati.


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