Renowned Kashrus Expert Rabbi Yitzchak Gornish Joins KOF-K Kosher Supervision

unnamed (3)KOF-K Kosher Supervision announced that Rabbi Yitzchak Gornish has joined their team as a kashrus administrator. A noted kashrus authority, Rabbi Gornish brings with him more than two decades of experience to the KOF-K.

“Rabbi Gornish is well known in the world of kashrus,” stated Rabbi Daniel Senter, Executive Administrator at KOF-K. “He is a distinguished ben Torah, who has a detailed understanding of the halachos of kashrus. Rabbi Gornish is unique in that he combines this with a deep understanding of the technical[r1]  side of the food industry and great expertise in food chemistry. We’re very excited to welcome him to KOF-K.”

Decades ago, kashrus supervision operated on a separate track from the food manufacturing process. In recent years, however, agencies such as KOF-K have invested heavily in making kashrus an integral part of food production for the companies they work with. This requires vast knowledge of how to practically apply halachah in various circumstances, keen understanding of how factories operate and the ability to keep up with rapid advances in food technology – all prominent elements of Rabbi Gornish’s expertise.

Raised in, Brooklyn, Rabbi Gornish attended Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, Beis HaTalmud, Mir Yerushalayim and received semichah from Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Rabbi Gornish, holds a master’s degree in food science from Rutgers University and continues to enhance his education. In 2014, he received certification from the New York City Department of Health, the National Celiac Foundation and the Food Safety Project.

“Kashrus is very much a regulatory job,” explains Rabbi Gornish. “Your focus is different from that of other inspectors, but kashrus can learn from and adapt many aspects of this process. When you learn to spot possible vulnerabilities on a manufacturing line, you know where to focus to prevent problematic issues. Kashrus isn’t a stand-alone business; it is very closely tied into food manufacturing. When you understand the process and are able to speak the language of the food industry, you can significantly upgrade the level of kashrus while simultaneously bringing down costs. Ultimately, the kosher consumer is the winner.”

Currently studying automation, Rabbi Gornish says that a clear understanding of factory setup enables KOF-K to advise companies how to reconfigure lines so as to streamline kashrus supervision, or, in the case of a new factory, to design a supervision-friendly system from the outset.

“In today’s day and age, you must fully understand the process to give hashgachah,” he adds. “Understanding the intricacies of production makes a difference halachically.”

“The level of technical knowledge in the world of kashrus has grown tremendously in recent years,” concludes Rabbi Senter. “Together with Rabbi Gornish and our highly experienced staff, we are raising the standards of kashrus industry.”

For more information visit, or call (201) 837-0500


6 Responses

  1. What he went to college??? I thought you can learn everything in yeshiva. Going to have to rethink the kof k now.

  2. renowned?? for what?? The father also went to college & even has a BLACK BELT in Karati to prove his prowess

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