Senate To Hold Test Vote On Iran Nuclear Bill

iraLegislation giving Congress a chance to review and possibly reject any final nuclear deal with Iran is facing a test vote in the Senate.

The vote, scheduled for Thursday, comes after months of wrangling over the legislation while the U.S. and five other nations engage in delicate negotiations with Tehran. Negotiators have been hurrying to reach final agreement by June 30 on a pact to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions stalling the Iranian economy. The talks resume next week in Vienna.

The bipartisan legislation would block President Barack Obama from waiving congressional sanctions for at least 30 days while lawmakers weigh in on any final deal with Iran. It also would stipulate that if senators disapprove the deal, Obama would lose the current authority he holds to waive certain economic penalties Congress has imposed on Iran.

The bill stalled last week after Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., proposed changes that drew the objections of Democrats as well as some Republicans who want the bill kept free of controversial provisions that could prompt the White House to withdraw its support.

A 60-vote majority on Thursday’s test vote would likely jettison both senators’ proposals, and greatly improve the bill’s chances of passage.

The bill has gained tacit approval from Obama. He says he will sign it as written, but the White House warned earlier that he would reconsider if the bill was substantially changed.

Republicans have repeatedly challenged the administration’s negotiations with Iran and have tried to change the bill to make it difficult for any deal to be reached.

“It is a virtual certainty that no matter how terrible this deal is, it will go into effect and this legislation is unlikely to stop it,” said Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who is running for the GOP presidential nomination.

Cruz argued that the legislation wouldn’t stop Obama from pressing ahead with any deal.

The bill would require Congress to pass a resolution of disapproval to reject the deal, which would almost certainly be vetoed by Obama. Then, Congress would be required to muster votes from two-thirds of each chamber to override the veto.

“All the president would have to do to force a bad Iran deal on America” is keep 34 senators of the Democratic Party or 145 members of Congress on his side, Cruz said.


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